
Jesus Explains Why We're Facing Anti-Christian Bigotry

As we face increasing anti-Christian bigotry, we need to remember what Christ told us.

Hate for Christians is on the rise. On a personal level, more and more Christians are dealing with family members who reject and even mock their faith. Christians also face a growing bigotry in culture, business, and media coverage. 


Christianity has always been at the forefront of benevolent works to help those in need. In addition, Christians are usually people of integrity, good citizens, and good neighbors. There are exceptions, but that's what they are—exceptions, not the rule. 

Why then is there far more mockery of Christianity which promotes peace and love for our enemies and more favor given to Islam which frequently inspires violence and hatred? 

Why does social media block negative statements about LGBTQ beliefs but welcome criticism of Christian beliefs?

Jesus explains: “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.… ‘They hated me without reason’” (John 15:18-25). 

Anti-Christian bigotry is just that—bigotry. It misrepresents our true beliefs, judges us by the worst examples, and creates fantastic lies to discredit us. 

They hated Jesus without reason, and He warned us that they would do the same to us. So let's stand firm, dear Christians, and put on the full armor so we can stand against the devil's schemes (Ephesians 6:10-18). And let's defend the family of God whenever we hear bigoted statements against us.

As we face increasing anti-Christian bigotry, we need to remember what Christ told us.

Bible Love Notes

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