
Do You Take Any of These Things for Granted?

Sometimes we need to be reminded of the many things we enjoy daily as Christians.

I had a bad case of the flu while my husband was on a short trip, and I realized how much I take my husband for granted, how much I take my health for granted, and how much I take a good night’s sleep for granted! 

But the thing I take for granted most often is the love of the Lord. 

How often do I ponder the fact that He's there any time I need Him, even in the middle of the night, when I wake up fearful, sad, confused, or excited (Romans 8:38-39; Isaiah 41:10)?  

How often do I consider the incredible blessing of His forgiveness and salvation (1 John 1:9; John 3:16)? 

How often do I remember the many difficult things in my life that He has used for my good (Romans 8:28)? 

And what about God's Word? How often do I really take the time to thank Him for giving me something that's alive with the truth, guidance, and comfort that I need daily (Hebrews 4:12-13)? 

I could go on and on, but I'll stop here and ask if you also take some of these things for granted. If so, join me today in pondering God's wonderful love and the many benefits it offers us every day of our lives!


Psalm 103 for a good reminder of the multi-faceted blessings of God's love, a reminder to forget not all His benefits.  And I think you'll enjoy reading 7 Important Truths about God's Love.

If you own Wisdom for Life, why not read or reread Day 63 for additional insights. If you don't own Wisdom for Life, Lifeway is offering an excellent sale on it!

Sometimes we need to be reminded of the many things we enjoy daily as Christians.

Bible Love Notes

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