
Are You Proving Your Faith in Your Family Relationships?

This short devotion explains 5 things that help create and maintain healthy family relationships.

In many ways, family relationships are the “proving ground” for our faith, so let’s consider these important elements of healthy, biblical relationships:

1. Reconciliation (Romans 12:18; Matthew 5:23-24)

God expects us to do our best to reconcile with others.(1) 

2. Consideration (Luke 6:31-33; Philippians 2:1-16)

Culture tells us to think of ourselves first and foremost. God tells us to consider the needs and desires of others as well as our own.(2)

3. Perseverance (Romans 5:1-5)

When we deal biblically with difficult relationships, we gain perseverance, character, and hope.(3)

4. God's strength (2 Corinthians 12:9; Philippians 4:13)

When we feel like giving up, we should ask God for strength.(4)  

5. Honest repentance (Matthew 7:3-5)  

It's so important that we avoid the hypocrisy of judging others more harshly than we judge ourselves.(5)

Romans 12 offers excellent instruction for relationships, even difficult ones.(6) 


A great hardcover devotional priced lower than most paperbacks.
(1) Don't fall for the Boundaries errors. See Are Boundaries Biblical?

(2) See Walk a Mile in Their Moccasins.

(3) See The Romans Steps.

(4) See Does God Give Us More than We Can Handle? and Secret Strength.

(5) See 5 Signs of a Fake Apology.

(6) See the Power-Packed Romans 12 Devotional Series.

This short devotion explains 5 things that help create and maintain healthy family relationships.

Bible Love Notes

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