
Propaganda Uses Distorted, Dishonest Definitions

It's amazing when a professing Christian calls a devotion that's 85% Scripture "hateful."

Propaganda always changes the definition of words to fit an agenda, and I recently was given an excellent example.

I wrote a post sharing what Scripture teaches regarding unborn life, and it was 85% pure Scripture confirming that: 

💙 God gives life (Acts 17:24-25).

💙 God knits us together in our mother’s womb and knows us even before the first trimester (Psalm 139:13-16).

💙 God commands us not to take an innocent life (Exodus 20:13).

In addition, my post offered helpful resources for women suffering from post-abortion regret.

But someone left this comment on that post: 
“As a Christian I find this post filled with hatred. It is not helpful at all.” 

This perfectly reflects pro-abortion definitions: speaking God's truth, saving lives, and sparing women from post-abortion guilt is “hateful”! 
But perhaps the most deceptive pro-abortion definition is that of “choice.” 

Claiming to be pro-choice, they oppose legislation that encourages a woman to see an ultrasound before her abortion. They realize if given the choice, many women will change their minds when they see the tiny human baby in their womb. But pro-abortion advocates tell us it's “hateful” to let women have full knowledge of the life-and-death choice they are about to make. 

Then, they go one step further and downplay or deny the evidence that millions of women suffer from post-abortion syndrome due to their uninformed choices (source). 

Furthermore, I doubt very much that any pro-abortion advocate would say, “I wish my mother had chosen to abort me because it would have made her life easier.” 


My birth was not an easy one for my mother, and I shared that story in my Birthday Thoughts in 2022. 

You might also be interested in reading how far pro-abortion propaganda has succeeded in this country: Guess Where People Are Now Being Arrested. 

If you own Wisdom for Life, I encourage you to read or re-read Day 59 for additional insights into this devotion.

It's amazing when a professing Christian calls a devotion that's 85% Scripture "hateful."

It's amazing when a professing Christian calls a devotion that's 85% Scripture "hateful."

Bible Love Notes

1 comment:

  1. Not original to me, but to be "pro-choice" is to be pro-abortion. I don't think scripture provides for a middle ground. It's life, or death. Two choices/positions, not three.
