
This Single Verse Says So Much About God’s Word!

Enjoy the multi-layered truths in this single verse from God's Word.
You can also find this devotion on YouTube: This Single Verse.

Psalm 19:8 says, “The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes

God gave us such a wonderful gift when He gave us His Word: words that are right, not half-right or mostly right, but 100% right. They were recorded by men, but they are God's words.

Knowing they are 100% right is one of the reasons they bring joy to our hearts. 💙

We also find joy in God's Word because it's radiant, giving light to the eyes.

The New Living Translation puts it this way: “The commands of the LORD are clear, giving insight for living.”  God's Word offers the instructions, explanations, and encouragement we need to walk with God daily.

When we come to Christ, one thing God’s Spirit does for us is to make Scripture understandable, relevant, and purposeful so we can know God's heart and separate truth from lies (John 14:26). This is an essential element in renewing our minds (Romans 12:2).

Psalm 19:8 is a verse worth memorizing, a good reminder that the Creator of the universe loves us and wants us to face each circumstance in our lives with biblical wisdom and biblical confidence.

Why not read all of Psalm 19 and write down the other truths it contains. Let it bring joy to your heart.


I also encourage you to read Transformation, Not Information and 11 Benefits of Reading God's Word.

Dear Readers, the links to Scripture verses lead you to pages that feature ads. Bible Love Notes does not endorse or benefit from these ads. Also, when using your phone, these Scriptures can be more easily read if you hold your phone horizontally. 

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Enjoy the multi-layered truths in this single verse from God's Word.

Bible Love Notes

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