
Satan's Lies Are Causing Depression—Don't Blame God's Word

Unbelievers are always coming up with the most illogical explanations for the damage of Satan's lies.

If we talk about God's disapproval of premarital sex, the majority may not agree with us, but it's unlikely anyone will tell us that our disapproval is causing harm.

But non-heterosexual sins are protected sins in our world. So when we share God's commands about these sins in completely appropriate ways, we are faced with shame propaganda.

For example, the latest lie being propagated by our culture is this: Disapproval of non-heterosexual lifestyles causes suicides and depression among teens.

But here's the truth:
Every good and perfect gift [including God's creation design for male and female] is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows (James 1:17 emphasis added).

Rejecting God’s design for male and female removes an important foundation for those who are just beginning to understand their sexuality. It denies obvious truths about gender and sexual intimacy and replaces them with unhealthy and confusing lies. It's all part of Satan's plan to blind people to the very truths that can bring them fulfillment (2 Corinthians 4:4).

Approval and promotion of non-heterosexual lifestyles is the problem, not disapproval. Whenever we replace God’s purposeful design with Satan's confusion, darkness follows.  

So let's trust God's Word, stand firm, lovingly speak truth, and refuse to accept blame we don't deserve.
And let's pray that young people embrace God's loving design and reject culture's dark confusion.
Important note: Is there disapproval of non-heterosexual lifestyles? Yes, but it's illogical to think it's a major cause of teen depression. In fact, if it were the cause, depression in gay teens would be lower than ever before. According to Gallop, in 1996, 68% of Americans opposed gay marriage; and, in 2022, only 28% opposed it. In addition, non-heterosexual lifestyles are celebrated in politics, in entertainment, on social media, and throughout culture. 

If disapproval was the cause of suicides, Bible-believing Christians would be more suicidal than non-heterosexuals. The most central belief in our lives, the thing which defines who we are, is being mocked and criticized by the majority in culture, politics, and entertainment.

But this illogical blaming of Christian values continues to be prevalent in many areas of culture. For example, before Roe v. Wade was overturned, a social worker told me that we needed to keep abortion legal because the number of abused kids in foster care was greater than ever before. So, by his own admission, fifty years of unlimited federally-protected abortion under Roe v. Wade made child abuse worse, but he continued to blame child abuse on laws that limited abortion before Roe v. Wade. Or to put it another way, he believed that having no respect for unborn life gives people a deeper respect for born life. 

Sin damages our lives, blinds us to the truth, causes confusion, and leads to death. God's design and His Word bring life. Satan's illogical, contradictory propaganda seeks to flip this truth and blame God and His people.

For more on this, see:

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Unbelievers are always coming up with the most illogical explanations for the damage of Satan's lies.

Bible Love Notes

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