
Believing Absurdities Leads to Atrocities—and Today's Culture Certainly Believes Absurdities

Our present culture is trying to force us to believe absurdities. And those absurdities always lead to damage, cruelty, and wasted lives.

“Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” ~ Voltaire (1) 

How relevant for today! 

Today's culture is intent on demanding absurdities (things that are ridiculous and wildly unreasonable), and we're seeing increased atrocities (extremely wicked and cruel acts).

For example: 

Instead of admitting that God created two genders (Genesis 5:2; Matthew 19:4), culture demands that there are many genders, and each person can choose their own.(2)

And little children suffer unknown physical and emotional harm from puberty-blocking drugs and false counsel. And men and women permanently mutilate their bodies.

Instead of realizing there are good and bad people in every race, culture claims the way to fight racism is by pitting races against each other, claiming certain races are inherently racist and evil (1 John 4:20).(3)

And race relations decline in areas where they had advanced, and racism increases.

Instead of admitting that babies in the womb are human beings deserving of life (Psalm 139:13-16), culture insists that women should have the right to kill their babies for any and every reason.(4)

And millions of babies are killed, some being torn limb from limb when they could have survived outside the womb. 

Instead of admitting that we are each responsible for our sins, modern counselors claim we’re victims (James 1:12-15).(5)

And millions of people resist taking responsibility for themselves. 

“Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” 

Please pray, dear Christians! Stand firm and pray!

Our present culture is trying to force us to believe absurdities. And those absurdities always lead to damage, cruelty, and wasted lives.


(1) Voltaire, a 17th-century French writer and philosopher criticized the Bible and was not a believer. But he sometimes got things right, and this quote is one of those times. He may have meant it for other purposes, but it fits our present culture perfectly. 

(2) See What the Bible Teaches About Gender and A Letter from a Reader and We Can't Deny God's Creation Design Without Serious Results.

(3) See the Bible Love Notes Collection, Devotions Addressing Racism.

(4) See What Scripture Says About Abortion and Would You Have Justified Slavery?

(5) See Understanding the Biblical Concept of Original Sin and Personal Responsibility and Boundaries: Is Your Family Dysfunctional?

For a devotional book that unashamedly presents the truths in Scripture, specifically those in the books of Psalms and Proverbs, check out Wisdom for Life.

 Bible Love Notes


  1. These points are so true of today's culture. The more time we spend in God's Word, the more we can discern truth from lies. Thank you for always backing up your points with scripture. I don't always comment but I love your blog, Gail.

    1. Thanks so much, Tina. Something happened to my comment notification, so I'm getting your comment many months later than when you wrote it.
