
Did You Know That It's Sometimes Christlike to Be Narrow-Minded?

Have you ever heard Christians called "Narrow-minded"? This 1-minute devotion explains that's both true and false.

Are Christians narrow-minded?

The dictionary definition of narrow-minded is "not willing to accept opinions, beliefs, behaviors, etc. that are unusual or different from one's own."

If accept means tolerate, then Christians aren't narrow-minded because we're called to treat people kindly whether we agree with them or not. In fact, we're called to lovingly share the gospel with people who hold different views than our own. After all, most of us had different beliefs when someone shared the gospel with us.

However, if accept means approve, then Christ was narrow-minded, and we can't be His true followers unless we are narrow-minded too.

Jesus proclaimed, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6

He said, "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." Matthew 7:13-14

I've entered that narrow gate, and I'm unashamed to proclaim that Jesus is the only way of salvation. If that makes me narrow-minded, I'm in good company. 

How about you? Are you on the narrow path with me? I pray that you are. 


I encourage you to read these 1-minute devotions so you fully understand the importance of being "narrow-minded":

Be Prepared: Is Jesus the Only Way? This 1-minute devotion answers how to respond when someone says we're arrogant and exclusive to say Jesus is the only way of salvation. 

Are There Many Paths to Heaven? is a good post to share with an unsaved friend.

3 Reasons Only One God Can Be the True God helps us understand and explain to others that it's illogical to think there are many ways to heaven.

There's No Doubt About Christ's Deity is a post with full-text Bible passages that prove that Christ is nothing less than God.

Why Muslims Can't Believe Jesus Was a Prophet  Muslims claim to believe that Jesus was a prophet, and they are quick to point this out when trying to share the validity of their beliefs. This post explains why they absolutely cannot believe Jesus was a prophet.

Have you ever heard Christians called "Narrow-minded"? This 1-minute devotion explains that's both true and false.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Very nice devotional l was having a conversación with a friend and he shared that in a Bible clase Someone made a foolish question. So l answered and said. Sometime FROM those foolish question we get into DEEP conversation. And suddenly l Open and saw this devotional and could shared it. Thank you, there's no coincidence in God
