
The Fruit of Self-Love

I don't think I could have had a better example of the negative effects of the Self-esteem movement. What a confirmation of Scripture!!

Matthew 7:13-29 is a sobering passage. It tells us that the way of genuine faith is a narrow path, warns us against false prophets, and explains that we can recognize the truth of a teaching by the kind of fruit it produces in its teachers and followers. Finally, it explains that many people build their lives on the sandy teachings of man instead of standing on the rock of Christ.

With that passage in mind, let me share an email I received from a subscriber after publishing 6 Ways the Self-Esteem Movement Contradicts Scripture

💬 "You contradict God and the Bible!!!!! Self-hate and spending your life being abused doesn't do much for God!!! God is all love and wants His children to love themselves as they are His children!!!!!! When you know love, you can give love. I have unsubscribed and find your self-hatred movement disgusting, vile and satanic!!! Never send your spam to me again!!!!" 

Let's examine the fruit of the self-esteem teachings in this woman's life:

1. She misrepresented the devotion—nothing in the devotion promoted self-hate or abuse.(1)

2. She claimed it contradicted Scripture despite the fact that each point was supported by a Scripture passage.

3. She claimed that her self-esteem beliefs resulted in love for others, but she wrote one of the most hateful emails I've ever received.

I’m not sure I could have had a better illustration of the bad fruit of the self-esteem movement. I believe she proved each of the 6 points in the devotion she criticized.

Esteeming ourselves leads to narcissism. Esteeming God leads to wisdom, humility, and grace. 

Please pray for this woman and others like her who are standing on the sands of man-made teachings.


I don't think I could have had a better example of the negative effects of the Self-esteem movement. What a confirmation of Scripture!!Note: Bible Love Notes doesn't send emails to anyone unless they subscribe. And when a person unsubscribes, they no longer receive devotions, so this email had no purpose aside from venting her anger.

If you'd like to read more about the damage of the self-esteem movement, please see the Bible Love Notes collection of devotions about Biblical Self-Esteem.  

(1) It is a common tactic in ungodly disagreements to misrepresent the other person's view. It's usually accompanied by Name-Calling and Ad Hominem Disagreement.

Bible Love Notes


  1. I think sometimes people lash out so vehemently because something strikes a chord of truth and they refuse to believe/accept that truth. This ladies comment could easily be used against her own comment. Vile. Ungodly. Satanic. Thank you for your ministry. Don't grow weary! We love you!

  2. WOW!! You're right, that person missed all the points you made in the original post. She must have been having a bad day!

  3. So sad. The Bible does command love: Love of God and love of others, but never love of self. Love of self is one of the signs of the approach of the end times. Unfortunately, there is no middle ground. They assume that if we don't love self we deprecate self, which is also not biblical. I'm sorry you had to suffer her abuse and I hope it doesn't discourage you from sharing the truth!

  4. Every one of us has had to deal with hurts and hang ups. Sadly, some internalize everything that they read or hear because they believe everyone sees them that way, even if no one is pointing at them. I pray that someone close to her can reach her and she will come to actually know Jesus.
