
No One Is Neutral

No one is actually neutral when it comes to beliefs. This 1-minute devotion explains how Christians should respond to differences.

No one is neutral. We all think some
lifestyles, religions, and beliefs are good and some are not

The secular magazine Politico reported that studies "confirm that conservatives, liberals, the religious and the nonreligious are each prejudiced against those with opposing views." In fact, the study showed they are "equally" prejudiced. 

However, not everyone handles their differences "equally." Some people share their beliefs appropriately. Others use mockery and name-calling (ad hominem methods). 

When people say rude things about Christian beliefs, some professing Christians change their views to accommodate culture—but not genuine believers. For example, we know that God's design and purposes for male and female are good and healthy. And historical facts confirm this:

J.D. Unwin studied 5000 years of sexual customs for 86 prominent cultures and discovered that the most stable and productive cultures embraced “heterosexual monogamy.” (source)

Satan convinced Eve that God had lied to her. He said she could violate His command and be better for it. That lie brought death and sorrow into her life (Genesis 3)

And that's exactly what Satan is doing today: claiming that God lied about His design for male and female so people can bring death and sorrow into their lives (Romans 1:16-32).

That's why we need to defend God's truths and stand firm even when we're berated and hated (Jude 1:3). We are seeking to please God and save people from eternal death (Galatians 1:10).

See Stating the Obvious, Sexual History, and When Destructive Sins Are Celebrated.

No one is actually neutral when it comes to beliefs. This 1-minute devotion explains how Christians should respond to differences.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Thank you for your ministry. Even though I don’t know you personally, you’re a God given friendly reminder that my husband and I aren’t the only ones in the world who aren’t afraid to speak up, stand up, and share the good news of our Lord and Savior. If you could, please keep me and and husband in your prayers as we are struggling within our own families. Thank you!

    1. Thank you for your encouragement. And I'm always blessed to hear of other Christians who are standing firm. And you are not alone in regard to difficulties in your family. Many of us are dealing with loved ones who have made bad choices. I pray that God will give us both wisdom and strength and courage to deal with these challenges.
