
Who or What is your "Big C"?

Some folks call Cancer the "Big C" and others are calling Covid-19 the "Big C" - This devotion sets things straight.

Several years ago, I wrote a devotion about my friend JoAnn who has three times been diagnosed with cancer and gone through the difficult treatment for that dreaded illness (The Big C).

One day, JoAnn was talking to the Lord about having the “Big C, and He spoke to her heart and told her that He was the “Big C”—and cancer, chemo, confusion, and every other crisis were “little c’s” in comparison. 

Some people consider climate change or Communism “Big C's.” And when the Covid pandemic hit, people worldwide considered it the “Big C.” 

But this is the truth: All things, no matter how corrupt, confusing, critical, crazy, cowardly, or chaotic, are all little “cs” compared to the comfort and certainty we find in Christ. 

No matter what we face here on earth, we Christians will live a problem-free eternity with Christ. We may suffer sickness and difficulties for 100 years on this earth, but it will be insignificant compared to the wonder and beauty of our eternal lives in heaven.

Christ is truly the "Big C"!

Some folks call Cancer the "Big C" and others are calling Covid-19 the "Big C" - This devotion sets things straight.
In addition, we have these wonderful  promises:

Joshua 1:9: "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." 

Romans 8:28: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

Romans 8:18: "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us."

2 Corinthians 4:17: "For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." 

Psalm 23:4: "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me."   

Some folks call Cancer the "Big C" and others are calling Covid-19 the "Big C" - This devotion sets things straight.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Thank you Lord for reminding me.

  2. thank you heavenly father for this reminder that I need!

  3. Don't think so, its nasty and will wreck lives . We need to deal with the problems of this world , the next will take care of itself.For God's sake , get your heads out of your bibles and start helping and doing what you can

    1. Hi Mr. or Mrs. Unknown,

      Your comment is quite judgmental and harsh, but the truth is that you don't know what every Bible-believing Christian is doing to help during the pandemic.

      You also must never have read the Bible or you'd know it motivates people to sacrificially serve others. And you must never have read about any modern ministries or ministries throughout history because Christians have done more to help people throughout the globe than any other faith and certainly more than atheists have done. From helping people find clean water to rescuing children from sex slavery, to helping poor people grow crops, and nursing people with leprosy. I've lived overseas helping with Christian work without pay or donations for 5 years, and my husband currently volunteers without pay with a ministry that develops medical equipment that can be used in the jungles to help remote tribes who would suffer without it.

      I personally know scores of Christians who've given up "normal" lives to live in austere conditions and help those less fortunate than themselves. And I've read about hundreds more.

      Perhaps you know some Christians who are doing nothing, but judging all Christians by those bad examples is bigotry.

      I would like to say more, but the Bible teaches me that I should return good for evil.

    2. To Unknown,
      I’m sad that you’re so angry and fearful. I imagine it’s a sad life living with such hate in your heart. Let me explain something to you.... I am a Christian and believe wholeheartedly in the Bible and Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I am constantly in my Bible. And do you know what that does for me? It gives me the strength and fortitude to serve as a medical provider on the frontlines of COVID. I am the one who swabs you when you’re sick, who puts my life in danger daily to treat you and make sure you survive COVID. So next time you decide to judge a Christian... look at every Christian nurse, doctor, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, respiratory therapist, phlebotomist, Radiology tech, medical assistant etc who uses the strength of God to put themselves at risk daily to serve His people... people like you.

    3. Dear Beana,
      Thank you for your sacrificial service. May God bless and protect you.
