
20/20 Vision: Seeing the Value of Scripture

As an introduction to the 20/20 Series, read Asking God for 20/20 Spiritual Vision

If we want to have 20/20 spiritual vision, we need to understand this important thing about God's Word. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #devotions

A popular devotional author started writing her books because she “yearned for more” than the words of the Bible.(1) 

I find her attitude genuinely perplexing.

I have a master’s degree from seminary, and I’ve studied Scripture for over forty years. But I have just begun to mine the treasures of God's Word. 

If we want 20/20 spiritual vision, we'll ask God to “open our eyes” to the wonderful things in His Word (Psalm 119:19). And we'll trust His Word above all human words.

Here's why:

1. The Bible is God-breathed! (2 Timothy 3:16-7)

2. It gives us faith! (Romans 10:17)

3. It always accomplishes God’s purposes! (Isaiah 55:10-11)

4. It's perfect! (Psalm 19:7-11)

5. It's alive! (Hebrews 4:12

We can certainly yearn for more of God’s Word, but we can’t yearn for more than God’s Word.


(1) When this author says she wants "more" than God's Word, she isn’t talking about yearning for other spiritual disciplines like prayer and fellowship. In fact, she says that her books have done more for her spiritual life than any other spiritual discipline. 

Nor is she talking about wanting personal guidance or inspiration. It's totally appropriate to ask for God's guidance for our personal lives. 

This author is claiming that she is writing messages from Jesus to share with the world. I'm concerned that many Christians think this author's words are actually God's words. And I'm concerned that many Christians are reading her words instead of God's Word.

To read a full explanation of this popular author's claims: Jesus Calling: Are Sarah Young’s Claims Biblical?

If we want to have 20/20 spiritual vision, we need to understand this important thing about God's Word. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #devotions
Bible Love Notes

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