
20/20 Spiritual Vision: Being "Farsighted"

As an introduction to the 20/20 Series, read Asking God for 20/20 Spiritual Vision

If we want 20/20 spiritual vision, we need to see beyond our present circumstances. This 1-minute devotion explains. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Devotions

Life can bring injustice, injury, sickness, financial loss, untimely death, and thousands of other difficulties.

Christ never promised us sorrow-free lives (John 16:33). 

Sadly, we usually overestimate earthly hardships and underestimate eternal blessings.

But Christians with 20/20 spiritual vision are "farsighted"—able to look beyond their present circumstances. They consider these earthly hardships "light and momentary troubles," so they fix their gaze on what's unseen and eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18). 

Like Old Testament saints, they look forward to the promises of heaven, realizing they're "foreigners and strangers" here on earth (Hebrews 11:13).

They have confidence in what they hope for and assurance about what they do not see (Hebrews 11:1).

Let's make sure we're seeing our present treasures and hardships for what they are: temporary. Let's make sure we're seeing our future in Christ for what it is: eternal!
To improve your 20/20 vision, to be able to look beyond your earthly circumstances, check out these 1-minute devotions:
Aliens and Strangers  

If we want 20/20 spiritual vision, we need to see beyond our present circumstances. This 1-minute devotion explains. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Devotions

Bible Love Notes


  1. You always do such a great job in putting the content to match the Bible in ways that is just a blessing. God, truly has his hand upon you.
