
Grumpy Witness

Sometimes we feel like we have a right to complain, and this was one of those times for me. But Scripture counsels me to prevent the remorse I felt afterwards. #Complaining #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Our trip home took 38 hours of travel time: cancelled and delayed flights; long, inefficient lines; misplaced and delayed luggage; cramped seating; long layovers. 

We travel often, and I usually take these things in stride, but I was especially weary, having dealt with sleepless nights and difficult relationship problems in the preceding weeks.

So, on the last leg of the trip, I let the “old woman” take control and I complained on and off for a good two hours as my husband and I waited in airport lines (Ephesians 4:22-24).

When we finally got to our gate, several strangers began conversations with us, and we shared that we were Christians.

Suddenly it hit me. What if these folks had been standing or walking close enough to overhear my sarcastic, negative remarks? What kind of a witness had I been? 

I did myself no good by complaining and I may have harmed my witness for Christ (Philippians 2:14-16; Ephesians 5:15-16).

Help me, Lord, to learn to focus on what is good and rejoice in difficulties which refine my faith (Philippians 4:8; James 1:2-4).

This situation was a good reminder for me to revisit some devotions from my archives:

10 Reasons Why Complaining is Toxic

The Power of Negative Self-talk

Think About It

Always Witnessing

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Sometimes we feel like we have a right to complain, and this was one of those times for me. But Scripture counsels me to prevent the remorse I felt afterwards. #Complaining #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Bible Love Notes


  1. But we as human being. are allowed to complain in just sitiation,right?

    1. Hi Rue,
      We are allowed to honestly explain a situation that is difficult. But complaining about it isn't helpful.

      For example, I could have explained to my friends that we had a difficult trip due to a number of delays and mistakes. But it did me no good to grumble about it.
