
Keeping Watch with Jesus

Before his death, Jesus asked the disciples to do something and they refused. He asks us to do it now. Will we refuse too? #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

“My soul is crushed with grief to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.” ~ Jesus, Matthew 26:38

When we’re suffering, stressed, grieved, depressed, or discouraged, we should recite this verse and ponder what Christ suffered for us.

Our perfect Lord was “crushed with grief” to the point where it almost killed Him.

“Being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.” Luke 22:44

It’s interesting that Luke, the physician, records this phenomenon called Hematidrosis

Knowing He would be separated from His Father and held responsible for the sins of the world caused tiny blood vessels to break in Christ's body, squeezing blood out of the sweat glands and hair follicles. Our Lord suffered as a man.

Christ asked the disciples to "keep watch" during His time of need, but they fell asleep.(1)

Christ also asks us to "keep watch" ... to be busy with His work until He returns (Matthew 25:13; Mark 13:33).

Let's not fall asleep!


(1) When I read that the disciples fell asleep, it makes me sad. But I realize that they did not fully understand what was going to happen to Christ, nor did they have God's Spirit living in them because the Holy Spirit had not been given yet (Acts 1:8). But we have God's Spirit and we understand the importance of what Christ accomplished on the cross. So let's "keep watch," dear Christians.


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Before his death, Jesus asked the disciples to do something and they refused. He asks us to do it now. Will we refuse too? #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Bible Love Notes


  1. Amen. This is true. There are times when we fail to keep watch and start focusing on other things on this world. The scripture reminds us to keep watch and we should always be ready as we do not know the day or hour of our Lords return.

  2. My husband falls asleep when I am praying. I often feel there is a spirit that causes 'sleep' to come over him. Could this be the same ? Just a thought.

    1. I think it is probably just part of our human nature although I'm sure Satan is always trying to keep us from spending time with God.

  3. Satan is always trying to keep us away** from spending time with God
