
A Small Seed of Rebellion

Sometimes a small seed of rebellion left unchecked grows into a vine that completely destroys our faith. This 1-minute devotion gives an example and a warning. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Thirty years ago, a professing Christian told me she’d listen to her favorite singing group “even if God said it was wrong.” 

I’m not sure if her music choice was sinful, but her attitude was.

I was shocked fifteen years later when this woman unashamedly quit attending church and got involved in immorality.

But I shouldn’t have been surprised.

The seed of her rebellion was present in that statement she'd made so many years earlier.

When we read God’s command against worshiping other gods (Exodus 20:3), we typically think of pagan gods. But anything we choose over God is an idol.

Christians sin, but we don't want to. We want to deny ourselves for Christ's sake (Matthew 16:24).

If there’s anything we refuse to give up for Christ, we're headed down a dangerous path. A small seed of rebellion left unchecked will grow into thorns that choke out our faith.(1)

Are you doing something that God forbids? Please repent, dear Christian!
(1) The Parable of the Sower describes "thorns" as worries about this life and worldly desires such as desires for wealth and pleasure (Mark 4:19; Luke 8:14). When Christ says some people become unfruitful because these thorns of life choke the seed planted in them, is He talking about saved or unsaved people? Scripture does not make this completely clear, but our desire should be to give God our best, not our least. 

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Sometimes a small seed of rebellion left unchecked grows into a vine that completely destroys our faith. This 1-minute devotion gives an example and a warning. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Bible Love Notes

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