
Does God Change His Mind: Hezekiah

Scripture says God doesn't change His mind, but what about giving Hezekiah 15 extra years? This devotion explores that question.
This is the second in the "Does God Change His Mind?" series.

There’s a difference between a contradiction and a mystery. 

Nothing about God is contradictory, and much about God can be known. But there are also things about God that remain a mystery to us.(1)

For example: “Does God change His mind?” 

Numbers 23:19 says God doesn’t change his mind.

But in Isaiah 38, God tells the good king Hezekiah to put things in order because he's going to die. Then Hezekiah prays and God "changes his mind," giving Hezekiah 15 more years.

God lives outside time. He knew he'd answer Hezekiah's prayer before Hezekiah prayed it. He only "changed His mind" in our limited framework of time.

A contradiction? No.

A mystery? Yes.

Some believe God was highlighting the importance of prayer.

I am more inclined to believe God was showing us His perfect will is better than His permissive will.(2)

In the remaining 15 years of his life, Hezekiah made proud and foolish decisions (Isaiah 39) and fathered Manasseh, the most evil king Israel ever knew.(3)

Hezekiah could have died with a good record, but he didn’t.

There are no contradictions in God's character and actions, but there are many layers of truth and mystery in them.

(1) See Deuteronomy 29:29. Not being able to understand God should make us happy. See If Understanding God Were Easy and Are You Uncomfortable with Mystery?

(2) God responds to selfish requests several other places in Scripture. He gives meat (quail) to the complaining Israelites (Numbers 11). Read more: Quail. He answered Israel's request for a king when it wasn't His perfect timing (1 Samuel 8). Read more: A King.

(3) This does not mean we shouldn't pray for healing. Hezekiah's situation was unique. God specifically told him that it was his time to die, but Hezekiah prayed for more years of life. Read more: Hezekiah.

Don't miss the other devotions in this series:
Does God Change His Mind: Nineveh

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Scripture says God doesn't change His mind, but what about giving Hezekiah 15 extra years? This devotion explores that question.

Bible Love Notes


  1. I think it just proves the power of prayer and the compassion of God.

  2. It teaches us that Gos does things according to his will.

  3. I love it, it's so true God knows everything , and I love that you explain it so well is not a contraction y a mystery ❣️🙏🏼

  4. God does not “change His mind”, yet He may RELENT. He was also persuaded by Abraham. I no longer see it as a mystery, but an opportunity to seek God with fervor in every situation, no matter how final it seems. I love your devotions and gain so much from them.

  5. Our God listens to our prayers. He doesn't change. He is the same now and forever. He is kind and compassionate.
