
God's Love Means He's Always With Us!

Understanding that nothing can separate us from God's Love

There are so many wonderful aspects of God’s love.

For example, His constant presence:

“Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:39

Understanding that nothing can separate us from God's Love
When my husband is traveling, I miss his companionship, encouragement, counsel, help, and also his loving correction when I’m wrong or confused. 

But even when my husband is gone, God is always with me! Wow!

When I get "busy" and ignore the Lord, I think I can understand a bit of what He feels.

You see, I live in a different state from my seven grandchildren, so I don’t see them as often as I’d like. 

Every day, I miss their hugs and smiles. I long to hear their silly jokes, their joys and sorrows. 

I believe God feels the same way about me… and you.

He loves to talk to us throughout the day, encouraging, correcting, comforting, and teaching.

What a wonderful love that is always there waiting to hear from us!
For more encouragement and understanding of God's love: 
Why Does He Love Us?
Patio Time 
He Enjoys Us!
God's Love is Better Than Unconditional

Understanding that nothing can separate us from God's Love


  1. Your Bible Love Notes are wonderful!
    Thank you!

  2. What a wonderful, applicable comparison. Thank you for this insight!

  3. I can relate to this. Thank u Gail.
