
3 Mistakes Christians Make About Grace

This 1-minute devotion explains 3 common errors that many Christians have about the concept of Grace. #Grace #Bible #BibleLoveNotes

It so important that we understand how much our sins hurt our Heavenly Father's heart. Only then will we take our faith seriously.

We must avoid these 3 mistakes:

1. Thinking God’s grace is "free."(1)

We can't earn it, but Christ paid an enormous price for our salvation. This truth should inspire us to take our sins seriously.

Galatians 3:13-14; 1 Corinthians 6:20; 1 Peter 1:18-19

2. Downplaying repentance because our sins are forgiven.

This 1-minute devotion explains 3 common errors that many Christians have about the concept of Grace. #Grace #Bible #BibleLoveNotes
When we follow Christ, all of our sins – past, present, and future – are forgiven. But our love for Christ compels us to acknowledge God's purity and remember His grace by confessing and repenting whenever we sin.

1 John 1:8-10

3. Thinking God doesn't care how devoted we are.

Christians can grieve God or please Him. We should have a deep desire to please Him. 

Romans 12:1; Ephesians 4:30Ephesians 5:10

(1) God did not lower His standards of purity to forgive us. Christ paid the debt we owed.

See also: Rejecting Cheap Grace and No Condemnation But Still Humble and Repentant 

This 1-minute devotion explains 3 common errors that many Christians have about the concept of Grace. #Grace #Bible #BibleLoveNotes


  1. Thank you for these daily thoughts! You put into words what many times my heart feels. You encourage me and cause me to think!
