
Dangerous Definitions

This 1-minute devotion warns us to beware of definitions of sin that are not Biblical. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Devotions

The world is often unwilling to call sin "sin." So they excuse, blame-shift, and redefine behavior that God calls sinful. 

Many people have convinced themselves that arrogant people, criminals, and selfish narcissists are victims of heredity, environment, poor self-esteem, and the hurtful acts of others.

But we don't find these excuses in Scripture.(1)

God doesn’t excuse the proud. He opposes them (James 4:6).

God calls criminals wicked (Proverbs 6:16-19).

God calls selfish people unworthy (Matthew 10:37-39).

Scripture says we’re sinners, not victims.

Christ-followers acknowledge this truth because we know a clean conscience is a non-negotiable part of our walk with the Lord (1 John 1:8-10).

Our repentance enables us to identify and repent of our own sins before judging what others have done to us (Matthew 7:1-5). And it gives us access to Christ's power to overcome sin in our lives (Philippians 4:13). 

Those who redefine sin become hopeless victims, but Christians are able to be hope-filled, forgiven victors.
(1) While Scripture speaks of generational curses, the sins of the fathers “visited” upon the children, e.g Deuteronomy 5:9, it also makes it very clear that people are punished for their sins, not their parent’s (Ezekiel 18). When a parent is sinful, his offspring often follow his ways. That is the generational curse. But each man can choose to do what is right. People raised in ungodly families can choose to live godly lives, and people raised in godly families can choose to follow the world and reject their upbringing. Ezekiel 18 confirms that truth. Don’t be confused by Proverbs 22:6.
More resources on this subject:
Are You a Victim or Victor?
Errors Regarding Proverbs 22:6
What Does the Bible Say About Generational Curses?

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This 1-minute devotion warns us to beware of definitions of sin that are not Biblical.

This 1-minute devotion warns us to beware of definitions of sin that are not Biblical.


  1. Does Scripture give us a definition of sin, i.e. what is sin according to the Bible? How about 1 John 3:4? Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and SIN IS LAWLESSNESS.

    1. Yes, that would be a good description. Thanks for that Scripture.

      In addition, Scripture defines specific actions and thoughts as sin.

  2. Wonderful devotion!!! So many excuses these days for sin. I have noticed how some believers make endless excuses for their children’s sin. It is sad.

  3. My parents took in one grandson and his family, while he was there in my parent's time of need he stoled 20k from account, and threatened the sons of my parent's lifes. Right now i have a hard time forgiving him for this. When will he get whats coming too him

    1. Dear Unknown,
      That must have been incredibly difficult for you.
      But I encourage you to completely forgive this grandson. It's not for his benefit but for yours. Holding on to unforgiveness ruins our lives, not our offenders. God will eventually punish those who have not repented, but you let this grandson win when you punish yourself with bitterness.

      There is an old saying that is very true: "Bitterness is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die."

      In the long run, it only hurts you.
      Please seek the Lord about forgiving this person.

  4. If thought is a sin and being proud is a sin well then for sure I am doomed . I'm totally just confused and feel hopeless .

    1. Hi Moses, No one is doomed unless they give up and give in to sin. If you have repented of your sins and asked Christ to be your Lord and Savior, God's Spirit indwells you and gives you the power to say no to sin. But God's Spirit does even more than that. He guides you into truth, builds your faith, helps you grow in godliness and grow in your ability to resist sin.

      Don't feel hopeless and confused...Seek the Lord. You can pray any time and any place and God will be there to guide you.

      Be sure to find a Bible-believing church where you can have fellowship and good Bible teaching, and be sure to read your Bible and pray each day. God wants to help you overcome your sins. Don't feel hopeless. I've also prayed for you.
