
Righteous Jealousy

Jealousy Can be a Bad thing or a Good Thing. This 1-minute devotion explains why God is a jealous God and why it's a good thing. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Most often we think of “jealousy” as a negative quality: being discontent and resentful toward someone because they have something we want.

We also use it negatively when describing a person who’s unjustly suspicious and distrustful of someone they love. 

The Greek word used in Scripture for jealousy means zeal or anger for something or someone. It can be negative (Galatians 5:19-21) or positive (2 Corinthians 11: 2).

Our perfect God is zealously jealous for our affections, loyalty and love (Exodus 20:5; Deuteronomy 4:24). 

That’s a good thing. It's similar to a husband who is zealously jealous because another man makes a pass at his wife.

And we should be zealously jealous for God – standing up for His honor, His values, and His Words.

More and more I’m encountering Christians who jealously defend authors, books, movies, teachings, and moral values that misrepresent God’s character.

How sad this must make our righteously jealous God (Isaiah 63:7-10). 
See these other related 1-minute devotions and resources:
Have Christians Lost Discernment?
What Scripture Means When it Says God is Jealous
Jealous God

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Jealousy Can be a Bad thing or a Good Thing. This 1-minute devotion explains why God is a jealous God and why it's a good thing. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

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