
Don't Sweat the Storm if You Know Jesus

3 Things Scripture tells us about the storms of life that rage around us. Be comforted and strengthed! #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

I live in North Central Florida, and it's not uncommon to have high speed winds with hurricane-force gusts from time to time.

There are some good Scriptural applications:

1. Storms

Jesus doesn’t promise to calm every physical storm as He did in Matthew 8:23-27, but He reminds us that ultimately (eternally) all the storms – whether physical, emotional, or spiritual - will cease (John 16:33).  

See "We're Overcomers."

3 Things Scripture tells us about the storms of life that rage around us. Be comforted and strengthed! #BibleLoveNotes #Bible
2. Houses built on the Rock

No matter what happens to us physically, if we've built our faith on Jesus, we'll survive "spiritual storms" (Matthew 7:24-27). 

See "Rock Dwellers."

3. “Like a mighty wind”

On Pentecost, God sent His Spirit to indwell us, guide us, and teach us and His coming was “like a mighty wind” (Acts 2:1-4).  

See "Holy Spirit, Divine Translator."

We can let the power of God’s Spirit give us inner calm whatever storms we face.

"My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives…Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." John 14:27

I'm praying all my readers stay safe in the spiritual storms of life as well as the physical storms.
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3 Things Scripture tells us about the storms of life that rage around us. Be comforted and strengthened!


  1. Praying for safety for you and your family! My middle brother and his young family along with several of my friends from high school live in Florida. My prayers go up for them and everyone in the path of yet another devastating hurricane!💖✝

  2. Praying for God's mercies--and that people will cry out to Him when they're in the midst of the storm.

  3. Please kindly pray for me to have that mind of Christ and peace as I'm facing the storm now. I'm in desperate need of prayer help. Thanks Gail.

    1. I lift you up right now and ask that you feel the presence, peace, and guidance of our Lord Jesus. And May you depend on God's strength to get you through this storm. In Jesus Name.
