
Fake News About Caffeine & Scripture

A fake story picked up by some legitimate news services reminds me of how God's Word is sometimes handled. This 1-minute devotion explains. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Some news stories are full of errors and twisted truths and some presentations of the Gospel are also riddled with errors.

I read a news story about a man arrested for driving under the influence of caffeine. This story was promoted by a number of legitimate news sources.* 

But it wasn't true. 

It's true that the man had been arrested and the police found no alcohol in the man's blood, only caffeine. But he was arrested for reckless driving, not for drinking too many espressos. 

This is similar to the way Biblical truths are often handled by unbelievers: half truths, twisted explanations, lopsided facts, and biased presentations designed to make God look bad and Christians look stupid.

But perhaps the most tragic twisting is done by Christians themselves, taking a few passages out of context, missing the balance and tension in Scripture, learning incomplete principles.

That's why 2 Timothy 2:15 should be every Christian's life verse:
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. 

* I found it on both an NBC news affiliate ( and UPI, United Press International (, which claims reliable news reporting since 1907. Both eventually removed it. 

Would you like to do a short Bible study on this devotion? Check out today's Bite Size Bible Study. And you might also enjoy this 1-minute devotion: 5 Ideas for Studying the Bible.

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A fake story picked up by some legitimate news services reminds me of how God's Word is sometimes handled.

A fake story picked up by some legitimate news services reminds me of how God's Word is sometimes handled.

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