
Every Time I Drink A Glass Of Iced Tea

Try this fun and easy way to remember to pray for special prayer concerns. You won't forget it! #Prayer #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

I admit that I often just focus on my family and my immediate needs when I pray, but I genuinely want to pray for other things too.

For example, I want to pray for victims of sex trafficking. My heart breaks for little girls sexually abused every day of their lives while I enjoy freedom and safety. My heart breaks…but I rarely remember to pray for them.

So I came up with an idea--a way to be more faithful in prayer: 

I try to remind myself to pray by associating certain prayer needs with my daily activities:

  • When I drink a glass of iced tea (I like iced tea), I’ll pray for those little girls, even if it's just a quick silent prayer at a restaurant. If you drink coffee or hot tea daily, you can let those be your reminders.
  • When I get in my car, I’ll pray about my concerns for the unborn babies killed through abortion. You could also do this when you exercise or clear the table after supper.
  • When I brush my teeth...take a my email...
Well, you get the idea. Anything we do on a regular basis can become a reminder to pray.
Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Colossians 4:2

Would you join me in this prayer experiment and ask God for ways you can remember to pray for things that you might otherwise overlook?


I encourage you to read this 1-minute devotion for additional encouragement: 4 Ways to Be More Faithful in Prayer.

Biblical, concise, affordable devotional
💙Be sure to check out The Bible Love Notes devotional Wisdom for Life. It's discounted on LifewayAmazon, and CBD

And you can also sign up for a free subscription to Bible Love Notes 1-minute devotions HERE.

Try this fun and easy way to remember to pray for special prayer concerns. You won't forget it!

Try this fun and easy way to remember to pray for special prayer concerns. You won't forget it!


  1. Gail, I love this method of prayer.

    Praying for my 7 grandchildren was a problem, until I came up with a method.

    Each day of the week, that they were born, is their day, (Monday, Tuesday, etc.) I also have come up with a daily reminder, to stop and pray through out their day.
    On their day, I wear a symbol or color that goes with each child.
    For one, Wednesday is his day and I wear star earrings or a pin.
    Tuesday is my 1st grand daughter and I wear pink.
    There are two that share the same day, Monday. For that I wear a color, Baby Blue and a symbol, a heart.
    Now, when they see me, they know that it's someone's day and I have been praying for one of them.

    1. I absolutely love your reminders for prayer! Thanks for sharing them in a comment so everyone can benefit. Great ideas for all of us.
      : )

    2. Beautiful devotions. I have been blessed again and again by the Word guide talks of truth. Thank you for using your God given talent for Yahweh. And thank for a awesome way to remember my grandbabies. I'm so glad a stumbled upon this website. Bless you.

  2. Thanks Gail for this,I need to be reminded too,so will try your way of letting an activity prompt me to pray.Blessings,Annxx

  3. I just love your blog Gail. Every time I start my car or house cleaning I say a pray for the victims of Isis especially the children that where taken. It just breaks my heart.

    1. Great idea, Inez!
      May God remind all of us to pray for those in such great need.

  4. Thank you Gail for your time and your beautiful Daily Devotionals. I’ve been blessed by your words time and time again! I love ice tea too, so I’m going to borrow your idea of praying, every time I take a sip of my tea. You’ve opened my eyes to praying deeper and for other’s whom are suffering. You are such a blessing��

  5. This is a wonderful way to remember others. Will incorporate this into my daily routine. Thank you.
