
Allowing for Differences but Not Sinful Choices

Christians can agree to disagree on certain issues, but NOT all issues. This devotion explains Romans 14.

Originally posted for the 2016 election. Updated for the 2024 election.

Romans 14-15 discusses disagreements among genuine believers and warns us that in some areas we can agree to disagree. But this isn't true in areas where Scripture offers clear guidance. For example, we can allow differences regarding methods of baptism, but not regarding adultery or murder.

In our upcoming election, we can hold different views about issues like welfare and taxes. 

But God's Word speaks clearly in these areas:

1. LGBTQ lifestyles – A key element of the Democratic platform is the promotion of LGBTQ lifestyles. They approve of surgical mutilation of underage children and censorship of biblical counseling in this area. See A Public Holiday Mocking Our Lord and U.S. State Dept. on Conversion Therapy.

2. Abortion – Past Republican platforms have been solidly pro-life. This election, I would call their platform mildly proabortion. 

The Democrats, on the other hand, are wildly proabortion. On the one hand, they claim they aren't in favor of abortion up to the day of delivery, but they reject all limitations including time limits. And they overwhelmingly voted against medical care being given to babies born alive during abortions. See Be Sure You Fully Understand This Fact

These are not issues where genuine believers can agree to disagree. Instead, it's our Christian responsibility to expose these evils and warn fellow believers not to help promote them (Ephesians 5:11). 

Some believers have prayed about this election and feel they can vote for neither party. I disagree with this view, but I consider it a Romans 14 difference, and I still respect those who hold it. 

However, if a fellow believer tells us they're voting Democrat, God wants us to lovingly warn them that they'll be held accountable by God for promoting evil (Galatians 6:1; James 5:19-20). 

Necessary note:

In the last few months, whenever I've written about voting, I've stuck to the biblical issues, not the personalities. If I mentioned a candidate, it was directly related to something they said or did in regard to the issues of abortion or LGBTQ lifestyles. 

When it comes to personal lifestyles, I don't respect or approve of Trump's personal values nor do I respect or approve of Harris' personal values. 

Despite what some people claim, we are not voting for a king, queen, or dictator. We are voting for a platform that expresses the values that a candidate and his/her party are promoting in our nation. 

In addition, I have objectively pointed out where the Republican platform has moved backward, going from strongly pro-life to mildly proabortion (example). And I've pointed out other ungodly choices they've made (example). 

Sadly, what I'm seeing in many Christians is a form of backward idolatry. Instead of focusing on the issues involved and the lives lost and damaged, they are focusing on a single man they don't like. So when I write about voting against unlimited abortion, I get letters from readers asking me why I'm promoting Trump. Instead of addressing the murder of unborn babies and the trans-mutilation of underage children, they focus on Trump.

I've even heard some people say that Trump's sins are worse than abortion and the trans-mutilation of children. If you believe that what one man has done is more offensive to God than the killing of millions of babies nationwide and mutilating hundreds of children through trans-surgeries, you are not thinking clearly and you are letting your hatred for Trump affect your judgment.

Satan loves this. He wants us to focus on personalities and let nationwide evil prevail. He has seriously blinded unbelievers to God's truths, and many Christians have allowed him to blind them as well (2 Corinthians 4:4). 

If you think you can vote for a proabortion candidate with God's blessings, you're wrong. And you don't need to take my word for it, you can take God's:

"Rescue those who are unjustly sentenced to die; save them as they stagger to their death. Don’t excuse yourself by saying, 'Look, we didn’t know.' For God understands all hearts, and he sees you. He who guards your soul knows you knew. He will repay all people as their actions deserve." Proverbs 24:11-12

"Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow." Isaiah 1:17

"Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked." Psalm 82:3-4


If a Christian teacher tells you he's voting for Harris, I would take him/her off your list of reliable Bible teachers. 

Christians can agree to disagree on certain issues, but NOT all issues. This devotion explains Romans 14.

Christians can agree to disagree on certain issues, but NOT all issues. This devotion explains Romans 14.



  1. ...and all God's children said...AMEN!...blessings...laney

  2. Very well said Gail! Bible Love Notes have been such a blessing. I thank God for leading me to your site, because I can't even recall how I came to it. God bless you and yours.

  3. We rely on His Holy Sirit and our hoe in Him,thank you, helful message, blessings, shalom

  4. I totally struggle with this. Politics and my personality do not mix. If have been struggling with what my heart really feels. Is it pride? Or self righteous? Or do I have legitimate feelings. Thank you for addressing this.

  5. Thank you for having the courage to take a stand on what is truly important. Abortion and LBGTQ are our Sodom and Gamora. No candidate or party is over or under these sins.
