
Important Truths about Confronting a Fellow Believer

These one-minute devotions address important aspects of biblical confrontation.

In our "judge-not" culture, many people are neglecting this important aspect of Christian community: confronting fellow-believers who are involved in sinful lifestyles. It's not only commanded in Scripture, it's an act of love to help restore and heal. 
These one-minute devotions address important aspects of biblical confrontation.

People would like to think that Jesus was non-confrontational, but Scripture tells a different story.

What the Bible teaches about confronting someone who is making harmful, ungodly choices: When, How, and Why should we confront someone?

As culture declines, we need to remember that sin is sin and avoid the error of Cain's victim mentality. 
This 1-minute devotion explains the importance of confronting fellow believers who are living sinful lifestyles. 

This short devotion explains what real repentance looks like. This is the desired result when we confront a fellow believer.  

A great hardcover devotional priced lower than most paperbacks
If you enjoy these concise, Scripture-packed devotions, I encourage you to check out Wisdom for Life, a hardback devotional containing 100 one-minute devotions from Psalms and Proverbs plus additional helps and resources. 
Check out the sales on LifewayAmazon, and CBD.

These one-minute devotions address important aspects of biblical confrontation.

These one-minute devotions address important aspects of biblical confrontation.

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