
90% of the Time We're Wrong

Scripture gives us an incredible cure for worry. This 1-minute devotion explains. #Worry

"I’ve experienced many terrible things in my life, a few of which actually happened."  
Mark Twain

You’ve probably heard the saying: “90% of what we worry about will never happen.” 

And worry doesn’t solve anything the other 10% of the time either. It’s a parasite that sucks the life out of us. 

Matthew 6:34 says “do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

God knows we have troubles, and He tells us we can handle them one day at a time with His help. 

But when we project our problems into the future, they seem impossible. 

That's because we leave out the comfort, hope, growth and strength God will give us tomorrow. 

Whatever problems you have, lay them at Christ's feet today. 

When you arrive at tomorrow, do the same. Christ will always be there to take them.

I encourage you to check out the Wisdom for Life Devotional. It contains 100 one-minute devotions to challenge, encourage, instruct, and inspire your love for God's Word. Read the story behind Wisdom for Life HERE. And find out about the two free Bible studies with purchase HERE. You can read the first 4 devotions in the book by clicking "look inside" or "read sample" on Lifeway or Amazon.
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Scripture gives us an incredible cure for worry. This 1-minute devotion explains.

Scripture gives us an incredible cure for worry. This 1-minute devotion explains. #Worry



  1. Thank you for this reminder! Love the Mark Twain quote too :)

  2. Love this so much. I'm a worrier and catastrophic thinker. I need to read this daily until I believe it. Thank you

  3. Thank you for this. I need to read it everyday until I believe it. I am a worrier and catastrophic thinker. That is one of my favorite bible verses too.

  4. I love this lesson! How I wish I had learned it so much earlier in life!

  5. I love these...I would Tweet them daily but your Twitter button never

    1. I know about this Twitter problem and I need to get it fixed. Thanks for the reminder.

  6. I love that quote from Mark Twain! we do not need to worry about tomorrow since god can take care of us each day! thank you for this powerful lesson, Gail!

  7. I'm terrible at doing this, must remember to give it to The Lord xx
