
Why Does He Love Us?

After hearing an overview of the Bible, this woman asked the most profound question, and the answer is profound as well. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

“I don’t need to struggle for His love,” the young woman said, tears streaming down her face.

I was living in Budapest, Hungary, and I had just given a seminar to a group of Hungarian women. I started in Genesis and went through Revelation, explaining mankind's repeated rebellion and God's repeated forgiveness and love.
When I was done, this woman began weeping because - for the first time in her life - she realized the beauty of God's love.

Another woman looked at me with wonder and gratefulness and asked gently and reverently, “Why does He love us?” 
I had to tell her that I didn't know. There's no human explanation for God's love. It's unreasonable, unexplainable, beyond perfect.
He doesn’t love us because we are deserving. He loves us even though we aren’t.

God “does not treat us as our sins deserve” but loves us “while we [are] still sinners” (Psalm 103:10; Romans 5:8).

These women blessed me with their questions. It made me remember when I first understood what Jesus had done for me on the cross. 
I don't ever want to take God's love for granted. 
If you feel the same, let's memorize 1 John 3:1 and recite it every morning when we get out of bed!
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!"


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After hearing an overview of the Bible, this woman asked the most profound question, and the answer is profound as well.

 Bible Love Notes


  1. Why, indeed. His love is incredible.

  2. Wow, Gail! What a wonderful reminder. Thank you! We tend to know this truth yet it is in the feeling it through someone learning it for the first time that we are overcome once again! Blessings!

  3. Lord, help us to never lose the awestruck wonder at much You truly love us through Your sacrifice on the Cross.

  4. He loves us because we are His children. Do you stop loving your children because they are not perfect or because they disappoint you? No, we love them more <3

    1. EXACTLY!...It can be the only answer!

    2. Exactly what I was about to post and then saw your post. God is such a perfect Father. If we unconditionally love our children no matter what...How much more does He love us? Indescribable. (((HUGS)))

  5. But there has to be a reason WHY God created us in the first place...God has existed throughout eternity and the great I AM WAS long before humans ever came to be...So, yes, the question of why God loves us can be answered with, 'because we are his children', but Perhaps the the greater question is, WHY did God bother to create us at all??? It can't be because God NEEDS us, because God is self sustaining in every way..
    God is in need of nothing. So, for me, the big mystery is, exactly WHY were we created? I guess we won't get the answer to that question until we meet God Himself.
