
We Serve a God of Adventure

Christ gives us a command in Luke 9 that we can see as a burden or an adventure. This 1-minute devotion encourages us to embrace that command joyfully! #BibleLoveNotes #Bible
written in 2015...
When we returned from overseas Christian work and moved close to our children and grandchildren in 2009, my husband and I (in our late 50's) thought it would be the last of our 20+ moves together.

But earlier this year, while praying about God's purposes for our lives, God spoke to our hearts. We felt He wanted us to move....we just didn't know where!

Eventually God unfolded His plan for us to volunteer with a ministry in another state. 

In two weeks, we'll be leaving behind children and grandchildren and a community we enjoy.

God doesn't ask everyone to do this. That's His plan for us. 

But He asks everyone to follow Him (Luke 9:23-25).

That means we all must be willing to do what God asks, whether it's to walk across the street and share Jesus with our neighbor, give sacrificially to help God's work, repent of our sins, or read our Bible daily.

Where is God asking you to go with Him? What is He asking you to do with Him? Will you follow Him? You can be sure that He has an "adventure" of faith in store for you!

Christ gives us a command in Luke 9 that we can see as a burden or an adventure. This 1-minute devotion encourages us to embrace that command joyfully! #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

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