
God Loves a Party!

Christians disagree on the right day for the Sabbath, but this 1-minute devotion shares truths about the Sabbath that everyone can appreciate. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Throughout the Old Testament the Fourth Command (Exodus 20:8) was emphasized as a day of rest from work. 

Eventually, the Pharisees created a legalistic, burdensome Sabbath practice, and Christ rebuked them saying the Sabbath was made for man’s rest and benefit (Mark 2:27).

The Sabbath Commandment is the only command not restated in the New Testament. Some believe it’s omitted because every day is a Sabbath to the Christian who no longer “works” for salvation but rests in the finished work of Christ (Hebrews 4).

Christians have different views regarding this command,* but we can all agree on this:
  • Although we can rest in Christ's love daily, we also need a day each week to rest for physical and spiritual reasons.
  • We all enjoy a celebration and that's what the Lord’s Day should be--a celebration of God's love, not a legalistic burden.
So let's do our best to make the Lord’s Day a joyful “party” instead of a religious duty.
© copyright Gail Burton Purath, 2011
Please leave a comment with your ideas for ways to do this.
* Scripture warns us not to judge fellow believers for differing views about Sabbath observance (Colossians 2:16


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Christians disagree on the right day for the Sabbath, but this 1-minute devotion shares truths about the Sabbath that everyone can appreciate. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible


  1. Great that you mention this. Years ago I wrote a small book on it, which really talks about the blessings we miss as a nation since we no longer have a sabbath's rest and joy! We can be restored!

  2. Agreed. For years I have struggled w/this since I heard a msg of this topic several yrs ago. I'd say tithing and remembering the sabbath are in the same file. Let us remember; Gods' requirements are always always ALWAYS 4 our BEST interest. And as imperfect as I can become somedays, I Still Thank God for Jesus. And The Holy Spirit. Speaking for myself, of course
