
American Idols and God's Second Commandment

We sometimes misunderstand idolatry. In fact, there's one idol that many Christians still worship. This 1-minute devotion explains.
Good luck charms ... crystals … talismans … mantras … pagan god décor … we know these things violate the Second Command's prohibition of idol worship.

But we can make “the good life” an idol too. We can assume that if we love God, He owes us comfort, happy family, good job, health, etc. Sometimes people even present the Gospel as a route to happiness, but Christ promises spiritual and eternal benefits, not earthly and temporary ones.

I sometimes bow to this “Good Life” idol. Then when things don’t go smoothly, I wonder what I did wrong. Is there some “God formula” I forgot? 

Remembering Joseph (Genesis 37-50) and Paul (2 Corinthians 6:3-10) helps me regain perspective. 

We give our lives to Christ because we’re destined for hell, lost, stupid, sinful and empty without Him. He offers us inner peace and joy—the abundant life (John 10:10), not “the good life” as the world defines it. 

If you sometimes idolize the good life, will you join me today in praying for forgiveness and perspective?

I encourage you to check out the Wisdom for Life Devotional. It contains 100 one-minute devotions to challenge, encourage, instruct, and inspire your love for God's Word: Wisdom for Life. Read the story behind Wisdom for Life HERE. And find out about the two free Bible studies with purchase HERE. You can read the first 4 devotions in the book by clicking "look inside" on Lifeway or Amazon.
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© copyright Gail Burton Purath, 2011

We sometimes misunderstand idolatry. In fact, there's one idol that many Christians still worship. This 1-minute devotion explains.

We sometimes misunderstand idolatry. In fact, there's one idol that many Christians still worship. This 1-minute devotion explains.


  1. The abundant Life that He is.

  2. Idol worship would also include crosses, statues,flags,money. Anything that a person worships. True Christians walk by faith not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:8.

  3. Excellent read. Thanks for sharing.

  4. There is a belief among many that profess to be Christian's that Yoga is okay but if you look at it, that is not possible as a Christian.

    1. Hi Nana,
      I also am concerned about the infiltration on yoga into our culture and our churches.
      I've written about my concerns about yoga. You can find those links on the right sidebar.

  5. Thank you. This is an excellent reminder.

  6. Thanks for sharing! I learned a lot.

  7. Thank you for the reminder, much needed.

  8. Well I beg Christ for urgent intervention

  9. A cross is a reminder not an idol. Just like when you hang picture of your family on the wall we need to explain things better so that people can understand because this what causes confusion.

    1. I do agree with this. The cross is a reminder to every Christian, of the horrendous sacrifice Christ made for each one of us.

  10. I know I am gonna make alot of people mad but this really does include Sports and star players, Music and star singers, movie stars, Books, video games, clothing. I am not without sin. I can say that when I did turn my life over to the care of God alot of this stuff I stopped wanting. It takes time. The Lord is my Shephard I shall not want does not mean that God will meet all your wants and needs. It means that you wont want for things you dont need.

    1. I agree that any of these things can become our idols, and they can powerfully influence Christians to believe and admire things that are contrary to Scripture.

  11. This is the second time as sign out erased all i typed as i thought it would send it through. However publish is the new word i see. Anyways please pray for my family as some have no relationship with Jesus my savior. I lack any support so im reaching out to you to pray for me weary one and my family members im trying to bring to Jesus. Just at the end of my resources and need Christian prayer for help, support, and protection. Thank you! Love is the answer!!

    1. I'm sorry that you lost what you'd typed. That happens sometimes and I'm unable to correct it.

      I pray for you and for your family. I pray that those who don't know Jesus will come to know Him and I pray that God will give you wisdom in dealing with your situations, and I pray you will find fellowship with other believers. In Jesus Name.

  12. How do you give your life to the son of Yahweh, Yahushua, you don't know his name, don't use it, don't follow his instructions, and don't follow his father's instructions?

    1. Hi Allen, This isn't your first comment and I don't usually publish them because they are so self-righteous, judgmental, accusatory, and unkind. But I'm publishing this one to confirm that I do not worship your god. My God is described in the Bible and He doesn't approve of the type of "evangelism" your god promotes.
