
5 Benefits of a "Coffee Date" with Jesus

This devotion explains 5 Roles Jesus Plays in Our Lives and encourages us to "Meet Him For Coffee!"

Sometimes we need a "get-away" to refresh and restore our well-being. This typically conjures up images of a sunny beach resort or cabin hideaway. 

But I'd like to make a more practical suggestion. 

Have you ever considered taking a few hours to "have coffee" with the Lord?

Not your daily routine, but a special time planned just for you and the Lord, similar to the way you'd plan a leisurely meeting with a close friend.

Hit your favorite coffee shop, order your favorite coffee, pull out your Bible and journal, and enjoy!

If you have to get a babysitter, consider it money well spent (and much cheaper than that beach resort).

And there's no One better to refresh and restore us than:

1. Our Counselor—John 14:26

2. Our Comforter—2 Corinthians 1:3-5

3. Our Friend—John 15:15

4. Our Peace—John 14:27

5. Our Joy—Romans 15:13

I encourage you to plan a date with Jesus at least once a month.

For additional encouragement see Don't Let Your Quiet Time Become Rigid and Dry.
If you've purchased Wisdom for Life, I encourage you to read or reread Day 83 for some fun insights related to coffee!  
If you haven't purchased Wisdom for Life, check out the sales on LifewayAmazon, and CBD.
Note: You don't need to like coffee or go to a coffee shop to have a "date" with Jesus. You just need to set aside some time when you can spend a few hours focused on Christ without other distractions.
This devotion explains 5 Roles Jesus Plays in Our Lives and encourages us to "Meet Him For Coffee!"

Bible Love Notes


  1. What a great idea!! In some ways I think I don't need that since my home is like a cabin in the woods....thing is that there are always dishes or laundry that I remember needs doing. A coffee shop is so relaxing but turning off connection with the internet would make it a very special time with the Lord.

    1. Hi Judith, sometimes it's just a whole lot better to shut the phone and internet off for a couple of days or a week here and there.

  2. Beautiful idea, and one I already "kinda" do. The first half hour of the morning is spent in quiet darkness with morning coffee, just chatting away randomly in thanksgiving and praise. It's the best time of the day - every day!

  3. ~~~my friend does this every morning, I shood too.~~~
    there are great needs in my home.

  4. a wonderful idea! never done this before. I should try it first of the month! Thanks Gail.

  5. Take a cup of coffee into the garden. Don't drive or have a car.

  6. I fully agree, I also do my first half hour in bed talking to the Lord, then I get up and devote my next hour or so to bible studies, I do the scripture writing plans that you find all over the internet...and believe it or not they quite often answer some of the questions on my mind, or the give me the courage to go on and especially make me more thankful every day that I have a best friend who will always be there to guide me and to take care of me no matter what! ... then, and only then I carry out my duties for the day...yes, there are days that are too rushed and I don't stick to my routine and guaranteed my day just doesn't seem as smooth as the days that I begin with The Lord.

  7. Every Thursday at 4pm our Episcopal church offers a gathering at the local coffee shop. Some are there on zoom others in person. Masks come off and we sit and talk with our dynamic priest about anything. The specialty coffees and smoothies are flowing ans for the next hour Jesus is among us. Where two or more are gathered I will also be there the bible says. We have folks who have health issues, and they come to enjoy the love that we all feel when surrounded by everyone. Prayer always ends the hour. Ans truthfully my husband and I look forward to the next one. We have learned to be active in our church.It's what Our Lord wants. Prior to that on Thurs morning our church has a food drive at 10am. We serve around 250 drive through cars with fresh fruit, vegetables and canned goods. Our Houston bank comes in a refrigerated truck and with volunteers we work tirelessly to help fill the trunks. So a coffee vist is so rewarding to us all. Thanks Gail. I read your Bible Love Notes faithfully.

    1. This sounds so special!
      Yes, the Lord is there with you in your sweet times of fellowship and I can see why you'd look forward to them.
      Thanks for sharing.

  8. Thank you all for sharing your journey with our Saviour. It is always rewarding to hear comments from God's Faithfully servants. I awake in the morning and talk to our Father with a thankful heart. Good idea to sit outside first thing in the morning on my deck and share my day with Jesus. Include him in my life and follow his plan for my day.

    1. Absolutely nothing wrong with that idea! Also, a cup of coffee too.

  9. Caramel Espresso, my Lord & the hope that someone will be curious and sit with me to talk about Him sounds wonderful to me!��

  10. It is just a perfect picture, but I know I should trust God but I would be nervous to speak. But your comment is encouraging. Thank you.

  11. Thank you for this. I will definitely give it a try. God is my strength.
