
Psalm 27: Why We Pray

Sometimes a child's simple question gives us a glimpse of God's love and purposes for us.

If you'd like to watch Gail share this on YouTube, you can do that here: Why Do We Pray?

My three granddaughters spent the night, and the next morning after breakfast, they went to play. I retreated to the patio with my first cup of coffee and my Bible.  

When I read Psalm 27:8, it spoke to my heart: “My heart says of you, 'Seek his face!' Your face, Lord, I will seek.

This simple verse made me realize how much I need the Lord. My heart longs for God's wisdom, comfort, and guidance. And the wonderful thing is that God wants me to meet with Him (Matthew 11:28; Psalm 55:22; 1 Peter 5:6-7).

Just then my sweet six-year-old granddaughter interrupted my prayer, Will you draw pictures with me, Grammy? 

I smiled and answered, After I finish praying I will.

Why do you pray, Grammy? she asked.

Her question was so sweet and honest. 

I pray because God wants me to spend time with Him and He wants to spend time with me, I said. 

She smiled, satisfied with my answer, and sat down next to me with her coloring book. 

I was blessed to be reminded that my Lord wants a relationship with me just as I want a relationship with my loved ones. 

I spend time with my grandchildren because I love them, enjoy their company, and want to be part of their lives. And God feels the same about you and me.

That is perhaps the most amazing part of our Christian faith. We have a God who bends down and speaks to our hearts, a God who promises to meet with us, bear our burdens, and guide us.

When He asks us to meet with Him, how can we say anything but Yes!


If you'd like a devotional that offers concise devotions that point out wonderful truths in God's Word, check out Wisdom for Life

It's a beautiful hardcover that's priced lower than most paperbacks.  

Sometimes a child's simple question gives us a glimpse of God's love and purposes for us.

Bible Love Notes


  1. I haven't yet disciplined myself into the habit oof using a devotional daily. Always I've intended to do so but procrastinated for years. . .I now see I've deprived myself of daily fresh spiritual nourishment. The caffiene in the coffee analogy speaks to me readily since I'm usually a night owl ;) .

  2. Wonderful love note and gentle reminder. Thank you for sharing!
