
Ungodly Amusement

This 1-minute devotion talks about an example of humor based on ungodly practices, things which grieve the heart of God.

I am often saddened by things in the entertainment industry. 
Several years ago I heard about a movie dubbed a "romantic comedy" even though it was a story of drunken sex and abortion! 

Because I've known women who deeply regretted abortions, I can't imagine a movie that finds the subject laughable.

Of course, Satan laughs when sacred things are mocked because his purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10).

Christ, however, came to give life and give it abundantly—to all men and women, including women with unplanned pregnancies and their unborn children. (See the collection of devotions called What God Says about Abortion.)

I believe it deeply saddens God to see us enjoying books, movies, songs, and television shows that joke about such things.

Please, dear Christians, let's be salt and light in our decaying world. Let's not amuse ourselves with abortion or anything else that saddens the heart of God (Matthew 5:13-16; Psalm 101:3).


If you are a woman struggling with a past abortion, I encourage you to read the resources below, but I also encourage you to seek counsel from a local Christian post-abortion ministry. They can help you work through the process of healing that Christ gives. If you are part of a Christian post-abortion ministry or if you have experienced Christ's healing from a past abortion, please leave a word of encouragement in the comments below. Thanks!
How can I experience healing and recovery after an abortion?  
Are you a Christian woman who has had an abortion?

Have you heard about the Wisdom for Life Devotional? It contains 100 one-minute devotions to challenge, encourage, instruct, and inspire your love for God's Word. Read the story behind Wisdom for Life HERE. And find out about the two free Bible studies with purchase HERE. You can read the first four devotions in the book by clicking "look inside" on Lifeway or AmazonIn addition, you can buy the book in Kindle format on Amazon and as an e-book on other sites.
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This 1-minute devotion talks about an example of humor based on ungodly practices, things which grieve the heart of God.

This 1-minute devotion talks about an example of humor based on ungodly practices, things which grieve the heart of God.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Thank you for speaking out about "tainted" entertainment, Gail. I recently read a post by Tim Challies about "Television's Rape Epidemic" []. Like your post, it was a call to Christian purity.

    Challies ended his post: "If Christians won’t allow explicit scenes of sexual violence to keep them from watching television shows, what will? If scenes of rape are not over the edge, what is? If we won’t draw the line there, will we draw it anywhere?"

    I think we take many issues of morality far too lightly. We need to say what God says in His holy Word.

    1. Thanks, Dawn, for this other resource. May we Christians wake up!
      God Bless you,

  2. Thank you for the boldness that you spoke with on this issue. I am finding more and more that is shown for "entertainment" isn't that at all. And this can be for all sorts of movies and the like.

  3. Abortion is no laughing matter! Even when it's "entertainment"!!
    The world and Satan are trying to take sin and make it main stream. Killing is killing!
    I stand along the side of you in this battle.

  4. Very nice post. Sin is not funny or entertaining. My wife and I hardly watch any TV at all, with the exception of old shows and cartoons. Saints of God definitely don't binge on stuff like Sex and the City, vulgar comedy acts, etc. You find that even shows like Seinfeld and others that are wildly popular have ungodly content and when your mind has been renewed (Romans 12:2 kjv), that should not sit well with you. This is definitely one way many backslide, by making their conscience become numb to the sinful ways of the world. It's a process that ends with one despising the commandments of God and thinking they're too strict/serious and that we need to 'lighten up'.
