
The meek will inherit the earth - Matthew 5:5

This 1-minute devotion explains why the meek will inherit the earth and why we should seek to be meek. - Matthew 5:5

Meekness …

It's not a popular word in today's self-esteem culture. But it's a popular word in God's Book.

Sometimes translated as "gentleness" (Ephesians 4:2), meekness makes a person sensitive to the feelings of others, but not overly sensitive to their own feelings. Meek people aren't peevish, proud, or self-focused. They're not easily offended. See Matthew 16:24-26. 

"Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth." Matthew 5:5

What does "inherit the earth" mean in this passage? 

First off, the meek described in this verse are believers. Their meekness is a response to their faith in Christ.

In our present world, the proud, self-assertive, self-assured, self-confident people appear to inherit the earth. But they don't. They may enjoy the pleasures of this world, but they miss the truly important aspects of life.

The meek enjoy God's provision, comfort, and guidance as they wait to inherit eternal life. The love of God is reflected in "their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom." James 3:13

So let's reject the world's focus on self and meekly seek God's purposes!


For more encouragement about meekness and humility, see Cleaning Bathrooms. It explains how a 17th century monk can teach us about Jesus, meekness, and menial work.

This 1-minute devotion explains why the meek will inherit the earth and why we should seek to be meek. - Matthew 5:5


This 1-minute devotion explains why the meek will inherit the earth and why we should seek to be meek. - Matthew 5:5

Bible Love Notes


  1. Another stumbling block of mine! I am definitely sensitive towards others, but also get my feelings hurt easily and think too much of myself. Not every day, but I have prayed for God to infuse me with HIS ways and his love for others. I'm getting there; I see progress at least. But I have a long way to go. Great post today, Gail!

    1. Hi Gail,
      I actually needed to reread this devotion on meekness several times this week. I often write about things that I need to hear more than anyone!
      Gail : )

  2. Thank you for this refreshing reminder that we are not called to conform to the ill-fitting ways of this world. We are not failures because we don't operate by the world's self-aggrandizing methods.
    May God continue to bless you in your ministry.

    1. Thank you, Joanie, for your encouragement and your additional insights.
      Gail : )

  3. Wow! I just prayed & asked God to show me how to NOT let my feelings get hurt so easily...especially by 1 person in particular ( family members I currently live with!) And the first thing I read is "meekness"!! Thank u for reminding me! And thank God for answers to prayers! ☺

  4. I Need to correct myself...I actually read "wordiness" first (I commented that "meek" was 1st thing I read!) None the less, it was an answer to prayer! And I can relate whole heartedly with you regarding the 'self' issues which I to am working on pruning 'self' from me! Thank you for being a blessing to not only me but countless others!

  5. That which you have done for the least of these, my brothers, you have also done for me.

  6. I am meek and always bullied but I know I am in the palms of my God's hands, the apples of the eyes of my Lord and God. All glory to God. We are blessed.
