
Wimp for the Gospel

We are facing new Challenges as Christians and we need to be prepared to face them boldly. This 1-minute devotion encourages us to do that.

I was stressed about some ministry and family challenges.

Then I read a chapter in the missionary biography of Florence Young, a woman who ministered in the Solomon Islands during the early 1900s. 

She was describing a time she and her companions ventured into territory inhabited by cannibals and hostile tribes. Their reason for this trip: to share the gospel. And during this trip, they suffered from malaria, storms at sea, and primitive living conditions. 

She described a particular evening aboard ship in a life-threatening storm. She and her companions were seasick, "clinging frantically to their berths" in which there were swarms of cockroaches. In addition, they had to dodge flying objects as the ship bounced about. 

After I read this chapter, I was ashamed. 

I am sometimes such a wimp for the gospel. Most modern Americans are. But we are facing times of great challenge. We need to learn from our minor stresses how to handle greater challenges.

The hardships of this life are insignificant compared with the importance of fulfilling God's purposes here on earth. 

"For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." 2 Corinthians 4:17

In the Old Testament God encouraged His people with this important truth. And it applies to us as well:

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

Source: Florence Young, Mission Accomplished, YWAM Publishing
While I recommend this book in the series, I do not recommend the book in the series called "Lottie Moon, Giving Her All for China." Lottie Moon's family had a large plantation and they were slave owners, but the book presents them as victims of the Civil War. I wrote YWAM about my concerns, and they made it clear that they were comfortable with the book.

We are facing new Challenges as Christians and we need to be prepared to face them boldly. This 1-minute devotion encourages us to do that.

Bible Love Notes


  1. I'm a wimp too Gail! Thanks for this great reminder.

  2. Boy, I was convicted right away. Yes, I feel pretty ashamed. I'm so comfortable in my lifestyle and fearful of losing it. Sad.

    1. Hi Gail,
      As I said in a previous comment you wrote--I always appreciate your honesty.
      As I wrote, I am right there with you--convicted and desiring to be more faithful.
      May God give us the wisdom and strength we need to submit our comfortable lifestyle to His will.
      God bless you,
