
Don't Say "God Loves Me Just the Way I Am"

We're not telling the whole truth if we say "God loves me just the way I am." The whole truth is better. This 1-minute devotion explains.

"The whole method of God in salvation proceeds on the assumption that men can be changed." A.W. Tozer 

I always cringe a bit when I hear someone say "God loves me just the way I am." 

I totally agree that no matter how bad we are, God invites us to follow Him and become His child.

But He doesn't love us just the way we are. 

His purpose in saving us is to make us a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). And Scripture defines new creation people as those who no longer "live for themselves but for him who died for them" (2 Corinthians 5:15). 

When Christ saved us, we were dead men walking, lost, depraved, slaves to sin. And after we're saved, we still have some of that dead man in us (Ephesians 4:22-24). 

That's why huge portions of Scripture are devoted to changing the person we are to the person we can be in Christ. 

Why not read and pray through Ephesians 4 today.

It's a good reminder that we shouldn't be content being "just the way we are."


I encourage you to read the 1-minute devotions Is Your Heart Christ's Home? and Romans 12:1-2: Grateful and Transforming.


We're not telling the whole truth if we say "God loves me just the way I am." The whole truth is better. This 1-minute devotion explains.



We're not telling the whole truth if we say "God loves me just the way I am." The whole truth is better. This 1-minute devotion explains.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Love this Gail! If in all that we do, our focus is Jesus inside us, we WILL be changed in our actions and thoughts.

  2. Ah, once again AW Tozer hits the nail on the head. I love that man's writings ...

  3. Totally agree!!! This post brought to mind what my dad always says: "God loves you just the way you are, but loves you too much to let you remain the way you are". Can't help but think he is absolutely right!!! :)

    1. You are truly blessed with a precious wise dad.

  4. This makes so much sense! I absolutely cringe when I think of the way I was B.C. I was selfish, thoughtless of others' feelings, had a terrible temper, and always wanted to get revenge on those who hurt me. Though I still tend to be a tad selfish, the other behaviors have virtually vanished. And I thank God all the time for that. It's also proof to me that God IS in my life, creating that change. When doubts creep in, I have that to hang on to.

  5. Great post! I too cringe when I hear that saying. One thing I might point out is Psalm 5:5. This is not the only verse but it is the one that came to mind at the moment. There is a time when God hates...

  6. What a beautiful devotional today, Gail! I so love reading it...and hearing you read it too! Thank you for the time and study it takes to do these!! Hugs, sweet friend! (Praying that many will find hope and peace in these devotionals each day!)

  7. So love this! I cringe also whenever I hear someone say this

  8. This is a definite paradox. He loves us as we are YET continues to change us and make us more like His Son Jesus Christ. The paradox is they are both truths, two sides of one sword. It’s not one or the other but both. We must understand that we aren’t condemned any longer yes, but He continues to work in and through us until He calls us home.

  9. So yes you are 100% correct on this but God does love and gives us chances through Christ, because some of our flaws or mistakes or imperfections allows him to demonstrate how much He loves us!!! HE IS FORGIVENESS AND ALL LOVE THAT IS HIS GOSPEL!!! He is not happy we are sinful and are with sin, but you have to remember He does love us because He will bless and be kind to those who don't "deserve"it!!! HE created every single person the way they are...but they fall into the trap and death of this cold and hard world!!! I say all this is in Christ!!!
