
3 Ways to Maintain a Proper Perspective in Our Relationships

It's easy to lose perspective in our relationships. This 1-minute devotion explains Scriptural ways to avoid this problem.

A few years ago, a friend and I dealt with some old problems. 

We've had a good relationship for years, but we'd never worked through some troubling issues from our past. 

Perhaps our greatest surprise was the way each of us had remembered the details that made us look good and forgotten the details that made us look bad. 

It was healing to confess our sins to each other and ask forgiveness. 

Scripture says "the heart is deceitful above all things" (Jeremiah 17:9). 

That's why Christians need a "heart transplant" ( Jeremiah 31:33; Ezekiel 36:26).

But that doesn't mean we Christians automatically see everything from the right perspective. 

To maintain a proper perspective in our relationships we must:
1. Honestly examine our actions (1 John 1:8).
2. Humbly confess our sins (1 John 1:9).
3. Press on to know Christ better (Philippians 3:12). 

"Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed." James 5:16 

Do any of your relationships need attention and healing?


For a look at the wrong way and right way for handling disagreements, see Self-Righteous Silence. I also recommend Talk or Give Up which explains three reasons some people have relationship problems.

It's easy to lose perspective in our relationships. This 1-minute devotion explains Scriptural ways to avoid this problem.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Gail ... oh those are the hardest conversations to have, especially with a dearest family member. But to NOT go there? It's like a cancer that eats from within.

    I'm touched by this today. Thank you for sharing that you've been there, done that ...

  2. Yes, Gail, I too believe these are hard conversations to have, but they are good for us. And there are times when we wish we had said things, especially when they are no longer with us. So I encourage everyone to share now...when you can...and LOVE them! Hugs, Cheryl

  3. Just wanted to pop in and let you know how much I appreciate your daily posts. You manage to pack a lot into them that make me think and draw closer to God. And sometimes I am convicted...a good thing! Thank you.

  4. My mom and I had similiar issues a few years ago! thank God we found freedom from past hurts! So many times I would rather be a peace seeker than peace maker!! But Thank god for grace and freedom in our relationships!
