
Rolling Right – Determining Your God-Given Priorities

Sometimes we view priorities as a list. Instead, we need to view them as a "wheel." This 1-minute devotion explains.

1. God 
2. Family 
3. Church 
4. Community 

The Bible gives us this clear priority list, right? Wrong! 

We evangelicals love our lists and formulas, but the only clear priorities in Scripture are these: 

"'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" Luke 10:27

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” Matthew 6:33

God is always our #1 priority, and He directs all other priorities in our lives.

Scripture describes the family structure, authority, and responsibilities, but it doesn't give us a list of priorities. These will change according to needs, responsibilities, and opportunities.

Life isn't a list, it's a wheel with Christ at the center and spokes representing the rest of life. As the wheel turns, different priorities take precedence.

Our priorities must always be flexible to accommodate things like a sick child, career responsibility, needy neighbor, or aging parent. When God is our #1 priority, all other priorities roll on His path.

For a longer explanation of this subject, read my 3-minute post: A Wheel, Not a List. For more about priorities, see Quiet Time Guilt and 3 Ways to Give Your Agenda to the Lord.

Sometimes we view priorities as a list. Instead, we need to view them as a "wheel." This 1-minute devotion explains.

Bible Love Notes


  1. I love a good list. But the concept of a wheel make so much more sense to me than the JOY list (Jesus, Others, Self)... and reminds me of a song that we sang in Sunday school... "He's my rock, my sword, my shield, He's the wheel in the middle of the wheel. He's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul." Thanks for providing a great start to my day with a happy song :-)

    1. I don't' know that song, but it sounds like a good one. I looked it up and "the wheel in the middle of the wheel" is from Ezekiel 1:16. I want to study that and understand it's full meaning. Thanks for the study prompt : )
      Praying you have a blessed day,

  2. Gail, I've always thought about having Christ at the center of my life, but never about putting everything in a circle around Him. One of the things I like about it is that most of the things we do roll around to get done again. That gives peace on days when it's impossible to accomplish everything on the list. Thanks and blessings!

    1. I like that thought, Deb. Things do roll around again : ) so we don't really miss them, just delay them for something more important to the Lord.

  3. God knows I needed to read Joanne's and Deb's input TODAY! Yes, I agree: I like the wheel in the wheel: Christ is my center. That is a decision, period. but as y'all have said, the other priorities are "set", but adjustable/flexible, within certain parameters, with NEEDS being considered in the light of Scripture. Somehow, I have been trying to establish a set of "set priorities" and asking God for His wisdom in "setting" them. I think He sent this devo. in answer to that prayer for His wisdom, etc. Thank you again, Gail. You ALWAYS uplift my spirit, and often contribute to God's leading me "today". God bless you as you operate in this special anointing of His power and grace.

    1. It's a blessing to hear this, Pat! Thank you for the encouragement.
