
The God of Pleasing Practicality

Genesis 2 tells us that God built 2 wonderful things into His creation. This 1-minute devotion will give you a deeper appreciation for our Creator.

I'm in awe of God's creation—the rugged mountains, turquoise waters, soft sand beaches, golden wheat fields, pleasant clouds, shimmering sunsets, and so much more.

While reading Genesis 2, I noticed something I'd never noticed before: God created "trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food" (verse 9). 

God gave us a world that is both practical and beautiful.

The fruit trees he created are sources of nutrition, but they're also "pleasing to the eye," wonderful to sit beneath on a sunny day, a great source of fuel and building materials.   

And it's not just the beauty of the tree, but the food as well. God could have given us bland, boring fruit. But He gave us a vast variety with different tastes, textures, fragrances, shapes, sizes, and colors. See My Compliments to the Ultimate Candy-Maker.

The God of the universe created a world that provides all that we need, but it's more than useful and practical—it's also "pleasing to the eye." 

That sounds like a simple truth, but it's not. We have an awe-inspiring, beauty-creating, multi-purposing God. This is one of many reasons to praise Him!


Did you know that Bible Love Notes has a Collection of 1-minute devotions based on food analogies?  It's called Food for Thought. And we also have a collection of 1-minute devotions about God's Creation. Why not check out these collections and read one or two each day.

Genesis 2 tells us that God built 2 wonderful things into His creation. This 1-minute devotion will give you a deeper appreciation for our Creator.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Thank God He created a world of beauty and detail and color and more! And...I would love to visit Croatia sometime! :)

  2. This speaks to me today as I survey creation and contemplate the wonder of my God. Thank you.

  3. That is so true, so many of the trees around us are so beautiful especially in autumn. God really was thinking of far more than practicalities when designing this world.
