
Origins Matter

What we believe about our origins has a huge impact on everything in our lives. This 1-minute devotion explains.

My son used to witness on the Colorado State University campus, and inevitably the conversation would turn to evolution as "proof" that a Creator God doesn't exist.

We underestimate the far-reaching results of the evolutionary theory.

Although it's a faith-based theory, it's generally accepted as "scientific" or "factual."

In Hebrews 11:1 God gives us the definition of faith as "the certainty of what we do not see."

Believing in evolution requires faith. There were no eyewitnesses.

Believing in Creation requires faith. There were no human eyewitnesses.(1)

What we believe determines how we will look at the evidence.

"By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what was seen was not made out of what was visible." Hebrews 11:3

Much of life depends on our belief about origins. If we believe in a loving Creator, we can trust Him for answers to life's questions. If we believe we were mere accidents of science, we become our own gods.


(1) Eve was created after Adam, so you could say Adam witnessed that part of creation and passed it down by word of mouth from generation to generation until Moses wrote Genesis. But God put Adam into a deep sleep when He created Eve, so he wasn't actually an "eyewitness" (Genesis 2:19-23). 

What we believe about our origins has a huge impact on everything in our lives. This 1-minute devotion explains.

Bible Love Notes


  1. We only have evidence of micro-evolution. A starling’s beak will change in response to the environment, but it’s still a bird. No fossil evidence supports evolution.

    1. Yes, we do see minor changes within species, but we have no evidence for changes from one specie to another. And most mutations are negative, not positive.
