
Christian Community

God designed us with a need for community. This 1-minute devotion explains the importance this has for our growth in Christ.

When I became a Christian, I was a 23-year-old military wife, pregnant with my second child. And God used the most wonderful group of women to disciple me.

I will be forever grateful for that Bible study at Ft. Knox, Kentucky, which included sisters from different denominations, baby and mature Christians, teachers, and friends. 

You see, God has this wonderful thing called "community" where everyone plays a part. 

The excitement of new believers reminds us of our "first love" when we first experienced the life-changing love of Christ. 

"Peer mentors" encourage us as we grow together. They can help keep us accountable, pray with us, rejoice with us, and cry with us (Romans 12:15). And we can do the same for them.

More mature Christians can serve as role models, mentors, and life coaches, helping us pursue a stronger, deeper faith in Christ.

"Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another —and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Hebrews 10:24-25

Most people don't have the benefit of one-on-one discipleship, but a group will do just fine! 

Are you part of such a group?


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God designed us with a need for community. This 1-minute devotion explains the importance this has for our growth in Christ.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Gail, I was *just* thinking about the 3 groups of women who help us grow when I was out for a walk not one week ago. I get so excited when God sends us affirmation that our thoughts are on the right track! You worded it much more eloquently than I was thinking it, though, so thanks for helping me tidy up my thoughts!!

    1. I love that kind of affirmation from the Lord too, Joanne. And I love knowing how God has blessed so many of us through special small groups in our lives. I only have contact with 3 women in that original picture and I so wish I could reach out to each one and thank them for all they poured into my life. It's hard to stay in touch when we've moved so much. I am so glad that I will be reconnected with those sweet souls in heaven.

  2. I don't have any group like this right now. I did. At one time (for many years) I led a homeschool support group where I mentored other women. seeing your pictures. I used to think my clothes (and big glasses) were quite up to date back then!!

    1. Judith, I also don't have a group like this right now. I have a couple of friends who are my peer mentors, but not that kind of group. I miss it.
      Ah, yes, those big glasses. The late 70's and 80's produced some bad styles, didn't they?
      : )

  3. I so loved being a part of a "community." I was involved in a study of different aged women of different denominations that met in each others homes. It was truly lifting and enlightening. I miss it now that I no longer live in that community. I struggle to meet other Christians in my current community who want to do studies outside of their denomination.

    1. Hi Michelle,
      I also love being a part of a group that is simply focused on Christ and not doctrinal differences among Christians. I think that's because it's enjoying a little bit of what heaven will be like.
      I pray you'll find such a group in your current location.
      Bless you,

  4. Hi Gail: loved the pic and the devotional! I was mentored by a similar group of women when I was fresh out of college and starting to work full time. I was the youngest in the group! They helped develop me as a person, celebrated with me when I got married, and when I moved , still keep in contact with me. I would not be the person I am today if it was not for them!!

    1. I so agree! I wouldn't be the person I am today without the teaching, friendship, encouragement and correction of that first group. It's so important to our growth as Christians.
      Thanks for sharing.

  5. I have been praying the past week as to whether or not to return back to my small group and I firmly believe this is my confirmation from the Lord, YES! Thank you Gail!

  6. My church participates in lifegroups, they are small groups of discipleship. This is a large church so there is many. I started in a group of 4+ and because of work had to change to a group now of myself and my leader. She is an amazing woman of Christ and I have grown very close with her.

  7. Isn't it sad that some churches have decided to not return in person worship. I just heard this yesterday that churches are selling their buildings and going to strictly online versions. It's sad no hand shakes no hugs or comfort for those who are hurting. I can't see these churches lasting. Don't forsaken gathering together. There's a reason for this command, we need to have closeness with others to survive and grow.

  8. Community groups are important for spiritual discipleship and growth. Our church offers many options and I have the opportunity to participate in 3 each week. One meets in our home every Tuesday. Another meets for prayer every Thursday. Another is a group of women who study books of the Bible on Sunday mornings before worship.
