
The Shepherd of the shepherds

Shepherds were the very first to be told Christ's actual birth. This 1-miniute devotion explains why that is important.

Who received the first public proclamation about Christ's birth?


Interesting, don't you think? 

Why didn't the angel come to kings, Old Testament scholars, or famous and important people? 

Why simple shepherds? 

These were common working men, not rich and famous people.

And we see two important factors in their story:

1. Humble people are often more open to the gospel (James 2:5-7
1 Corinthians 1:20). These shepherds "hurried" to see the baby Jesus (Luke 2:8-20).

2. Christ is our spiritual Shepherd (Psalm 23; Isaiah 40:11; John 10:11). It's meaningful that God would announce Christ's birth to shepherds.
I like to think that these particular shepherds were lying in their fields reading the two passages below when the angels came: 

"Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel" (Isaiah 7:14).

"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:6).

Hundreds of years before these shepherds were born, the prophet Isaiah described details of Christ's birth and His mission. 

Surely those shepherds' lives were never the same after gazing on the Christ child. And the same is true for any of us who recognize our Lord for who He is.

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Please check out Wisdom for Life devotional. It's a great gift for yourself or to give to others. If you'd like to know why Wisdom for Life might be a good Christmas gift for you or your loved ones, see 10 Reasons You'll Love Wisdom for Life.
Why did the angels announce Christ's birth to Shepherds. This 1-minute devotions explains.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Most people would be intimidated by visiting a king or other important person. I think one reason God announced the great news of Christ's birth to the shepherds and then left the story of them coming to visit Jesus in the stable was to give us confidence to come before Him. We don't need to be of high standing. We can come just as we are, even tired and grungy from our work and lives. We don't have to be perfect because none of us are. He welcomes each one of us I'm so thankful!!

    1. yes, Joan. Wonderful truths in what you've written. Thanks.
      Gail : )

  2. I often think of my dad, a man who left school at 12 years to go work on his fathers wheat farm (his father saw no point in education). As an adult he became a farmer and grew apples. Perhaps in days gone by he might have been a shepherd. My dad is a simple man with complete faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He doesn't need a fancy degree to understand the Word of God and when he talks you can hear and feel that love unlike others who might be highly educated but has lost their personal touch with God.

    PS thanks for stopping by the other day.


    1. Thanks for sharing about your father, Joluise. It is so true that degrees and education have nothing to do with faith. God speaks to hearts that are open and humble.

  3. The shepherds left their lambs, to worship the Lamb of GOD.

  4. What an amazing Christmas Day Devotion!
    I love the comments I've read.
    The story of our Savior is so simple yet so deep.
