
When Love Calls Me to Come

Sometimes it seems like God asks us to do something hard. This 1-minute devotion offers a wonderful inspiration to motivate us during those times.

I'd had a rough night and there was a cold winter rain beating my windows, so I decided to stay inside the whole day. 

As I sank into a comfortable chair ready to savor my first cup of morning coffee, my daughter called. 

"Did you remember Paxton's school program this morning?" 

"Oh, no! I forgot!" 

Everything within me wanted to skip it. Then I thought of the gleam in our four-year-old grandson's eyes the day he told us about his program, and I immediately knew I would go. Not because I had to go, but because I love my grandson and he loves me.

I dressed quickly and ventured out in the rain, cold and achy but resolved. And I thought about my relationship with Jesus. 

Sometimes I really don't want to do something I know He's asked me to do. But then I think of His nail-scarred hands outstretched, bidding me to follow (Matthew 16:24). And I venture out.

Not because I have to, but because I love Him and He loves me. 

A great hardcover devotional priced lower than most paperbacks.
If you enjoy Bible Love Notes one-minute devotions, I think you'll enjoy my devotional Wisdom for Life. It's a hard-cover book priced lower than most paperbacks.  Click the image to find out more. ~ Gail

Sometimes it seems like God asks us to do something hard. This 1-minute devotion offers a wonderful inspiration to motivate us during those times.

Sometimes it seems like God asks us to do something hard. This 1-minute devotion offers a wonderful inspiration to motivate us during those times.

Bible Love Notes


  1. This was beautiful Gail and captivating. I know that feeling of not wanting to venture out in the today. I loved the comparison of doing things that the Lord asks us to do. Thanks.

  2. Hello Gail, We are in the Arctic Blast around here! It is so important to be a part of these special times with our Grandchildren. I but sometimes our bodies need a time of quiet and rest. Trying to keep things balanced and in His timing. Have you stopped doing your Friday linkups?
    Have a good day!
    Blessings, Roxy

    1. Hi Roxy,
      My husband is helping his father with cataract surgery in CO and he has been enjoying the "Arctic Blast" too, but today I wore sandals!! It's not always that warm in NC, but it was today.

      Yes, we need to know that balance when we age and sometimes It's okay to say "no." : )

      Yes, I quit doing the link ups. While we were in Budapest this fall, I had poor internet service and my inlinkz subscription was ready to run out, so I decided to let it go. I'm trying to decide how to better plan my time as I'm spending too much time on my blogging and too little time doing some of the other things I enjoy. But I haven't gotten it figured out yet.

      Gail : )

  3. I can’t thank you enough for your Bible Love notes. So sweet and wonderful reminders. I truly enjoyed this today
