
An Intriguing Story of Redemption

Rembrandt's 100 Guilder Print offers a story that is a great analogy to our purchase with Christ's blood. This 1-minute devotion explains.

Rembrandt did an etching that was a bit unusual. It combined the people, parables, and situations from Matthew 19 into a single presentation with Christ at the center. 

It's named the "Hundred Guilder Print" because of this legend: 

Dutch Guilder, 1622
Rembrandt was supposed to have paid one hundred Dutch guilders to buy a print that was made from his original engraving, an extremely high price in the 1600s (equivalent to $6000 today).

It's an intriguing scenario—the artist paying such a high price to buy back something he created. 

It's also a good picture of our salvation. We're God's creation, yet He paid an extremely high price to purchase us.

In the legend of the Hundred Guilder Print, there's no indication that Rembrandt was purchasing the print to prevent it from being destroyed. But that's the case for our salvation. We were purchased by the blood of Christ to save us from eternal destruction. 

Let's ponder that today and take time to express love and gratitude to our Creator, Purchaser, and Owner.

"For God has bought you with a great price. So use every part of your body to give glory back to God because he owns it." 1 Corinthians 6:20

If you'd like to see the print, check out the Bite Size Bible StudyIt uses Rembrandt's Hundred Guilder Print to examine some of the elements of Matthew 19.

Reference sources:  Art Way; Denver Art MuseumWikipedia (print public domain); Guilder Coin, By Artem Veremey 

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Rembrandt's 100 Guilder Print offers a story that is a great analogy to our purchase with Christ's blood. This 1-minute devotion explains.

Rembrandt's 100 Guilder Print offers a story that is a great analogy to our purchase with Christ's blood. This 1-minute devotion explains.

Bible Love Notes

1 comment:

  1. I like thinking about 1 Cor. 6:20 and I wrote it down so I can think further once I'm done here.
