
The Significance of Our Lives

We often confuse our significance to the kingdom of God by numbers or fame. But God judges things differently. Be encouraged by this 1-minute devotion!

During the course of his ninety-five years of life, Billy Graham shared the gospel with millions. 

There were times he preached to thousands of people six evenings a week for four months straight. 

Several years ago, the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, NC, invited a group of Christian bloggers to a "behind the scenes" presentation of the ministry. I left with a deep respect for how powerfully God can use a faithful man or woman. 

Sometimes hearing about Christians like Graham makes us feel insignificant. But it shouldn't. God gives us different gifts, opportunities, and callings, and He's prepared kingdom work for each of us (Ephesians 2:10).

He called Graham to preach to millions, but he's called most of us to shine our light in a much smaller sphere of influence (Matthew 5:16).

God doesn't measure our significance by numbers but by faithfulness to His call. So today let's be deliberate, eager, and faithful in whatever God calls us to do. 

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We often confuse our significance to the kingdom of God by numbers or fame. But God judges things differently. Be encouraged by this 1-minute devotion!

Bible Love Notes

We often confuse our significance to the kingdom of God by numbers or fame. But God judges things differently. Be encouraged by this 1-minute devotion!


  1. Hello Gail, I just wanted to say that I am sorry I have not left a comment in awhile :(
    But I will try to be better at it! It has been hard to keep all the balls in the air!
    Pray you are well and that your Blog is growing. I just try to be faithful and write what blesses me and hope it blesses others!
    I wish you a very Merry Christmas
    Blessings, Roxy

  2. Amen. Not the size of the task, but size of the heart doing the task.

  3. Seems that I am mostly a 'behind the scenes' type of person in terms of how God uses me to reach other people....little people :-) Great post, Gail. And your graphic is impressive!! It 'caught' my eye over on Pinterest.

  4. That's wonderful Gail that you were able to visit the library. One of my blogging friends lives near there and often goes to Ruth's garden to pray. My husband (a pastor) is always telling our congregation how important each one is to the whole body of our congregation. God often uses behind the scenes people to accomplish mighty things. Things we may not realize until we get to heaven. Thank you for this. ~ Abby

    1. Now that we moved to FL (just been here 2 weeks) it will be much harder to visit the B.G. Library. It was less than an hour from our previous home in NC. I was invited to a blogging meeting at the library 2 years ago because someone on staff read my blog, and they gave us a special "behind-the-scenes" tour. It was a fun experience.

      You are so right....when we get to heaven we will realize how important all those "behind-the-scenes" people were to the Kingdom. Makes every act done in faith an important one!

      God bless you,

  5. Thx for sharing this Gail. I often wonder if what I do is really of any importance at all, as I am mostly in the background, mostly helping and sharing with the"one". But it's our heart of obedience to God that is important.He sees.
