
The Easy Path

Beware of the easy path, even in the little things. It's not really easier. This 1-minute devotion explains.

Have you ever chosen the easy path, the one that requires less sacrifice? I have.

We usually recognize blatantly evil paths, but we're not as careful about subtle selfishness.

An easy path can be something as simple as choosing not to support a missionary God has prompted us to help. Or it can be as huge as selecting a family-friendly career when you know God called your family to something more difficult.(1)

But the easy path isn't really easy because it bypasses God's best for us and leads us to a set of difficulties outside His planned purposes for our lives (Ephesians 2:10). 

I need to daily remind myself of Christ's powerful words in Matthew 10:38-39

"Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me.  Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it."

(1) See more about family priorities HERE.

Beware of the easy path, even in the little things. It's not really easier. This 1-minute devotion explains.

 Bible Love Notes

Beware of the easy path, even in the little things. It's not really easier. This 1-minute devotion explains.


  1. Hi Gail! I was nodding the whole time I was reading your post. This is a very big truth. It's the small stuff that gets to me all the time. Not the outright, big-time evil, but the small selfish moves. Yuck. You remind me of the importance of lifting that cross every day. It's important. It was made with love by my Father!

    Hope you are doing well,

  2. I can completely relate to this post. Taking the path that God has laid out for us often feels lonely because we are viewing our lives through the eyes of the flesh, culture, worldliness. This is why the encouragement of fellow Christ-followers is crucial!

  3. Right on, once again. Thank you, Gail, for giving me something very important to think about and pray over, five days a week! God is using Bible Love Notes in my life, and I believe in the lives of many, many others, far more than you can know. Thank you for your faithfulness to this ministry!

  4. Thanks for this convicting reminder. There is a cross to bear, and we must take it up and bear it. We live in a world where people want the easy way, always. But that's not God's way. Thanks again for sharing.
