
Smell the Coffee

We apologize for this extra step, but this devotion from 2011 was updated and is now located at the link below.

We pray that this devotion will encourage you!

Smell the Coffee


  1. Good advice! Besides desensitizing us to behaviors that are negative, what we watch on TV, listen to, or read on the internet, etc. truly affects our moods. I know that for me, I need to stay away from sad shows or I know I'll become sad as well. I like to stick to happy and funny things as they keep me smiling.

    Blessings, Joan

  2. I'm so glad you reran this post. I love coffee and the smell!

    1. I agree about desensitizing. I watch too much TV and end up wasting my time. God is leading me to make some positive changes.

  3. I love the smell of coffee. This makes me glad that my husband drinks it each morning. I don't drink it. I agree that things can influence us like the smell of coffee when we are not even aware of it. This is a good reason to be on guard.
