
Photos & Prayers

Try this practical idea for staying focused in prayer. It might just revolutionize your prayer life.

A picture is worth 1000 words. And, it’s also a great prayer reminder. 

When we moved to Budapest in 2004, I took a small photo album with pictures of my family, friends and certain missionaries. It was a great prayer tool … much better than a written list. 

I’m always looking for ways to be more faithful in prayer, and this photo album helped. I could toss it in my purse and pray on the bus or while waiting for an appointment. When someone needed special prayer, I could pull their picture from the album and put it somewhere in my house where I’d see it often. 

I also laminated a family photo to use as a bookmark in my Bible or prayer journal. 

Every time I get out my Bible or journal, I see my loved ones' smiling faces—a great way to start prayer with thanksgiving.

Try this practical idea for staying focused in prayer. It might just revolutionize your prayer life.
Prayer is so important!

Philippians 4:6: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." 

Have you used photos as prayer reminders?  

You might enjoy the 1-minute devotion A Picture is Worth 1000 Words. It speaks about God's use of  "pictures."

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Try this practical idea for staying focused in prayer. It might just revolutionize your prayer life.

Try this practical idea for staying focused in prayer. It might just revolutionize your prayer life.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Totally wonderful idea! I'm going to start going through family pictures today! And it's a great opportunity to make a personalized album too. Looking forward to the marriage series in October.

  2. What a great idea Gail! We are often at those times when we have to wait, this is a great time to pull out that little photo album and pray. But hey, we could always use our smart phone pictures too. Keep up the great work you do for Christ and pressing toward the prize!

  3. Hi Gail! Yes, I do use pictures. I also have a picture frame with black as the background where I write my family's and friends names. These are above my desk so at anytime I am at the desk I can remember to pray for them.

  4. I love your prayer journal ... I'm going to make one for my vacation! (Just a note - Tomorrow, Oct. 1st, a 31-day challenge to pray for sons begins ( ) - and one for daughters begins in later months.)

  5. Love this idea with adding pictures, I will have to copy this. Thank you for sharing this information.

  6. When I have a friend who especially needs prayer, I put their picture up on my refrigerator. I have a picture of another friend hanging on my computer monitor to remind me to pray for her.
