
A One-Minute Testimony of My Life

Gail, author of Bible Love Notes, reflects on a life-changing decision she made 45 years ago.

I was born in 1951 and reborn in Jesus 24 years later. 

My decision to follow Jesus transformed my life. It's the most important aspect of who I am.

Yes, when I committed my life to Christ in 1974, I discovered the wonderful love of Jesus, gained a deep awareness of my sinfulness, and understood my need for God. Through the years, Christ has taught me so much! 

I haven't always been a fast learner. I've gone through stages where I was too legalistic, having the wrong focus. I struggled with difficulties and had the wrong questions. And I've let myself get disillusioned by the wrong perspective.

But I've never quit believing and I'm determined to never quit growing. I hope that even on the last day of my life I learn something new in God's Word!

I have made Philippians 3:12-14 my prayer:
"Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me....Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."

What's the most important thing about you? Do you know my Lord Jesus? Are you "pressing on"?

If you've never committed your life to Christ, please read my Bible Love Notes post on Eternal Life and my Bite Size Bible Study post on Eternal Life. They are each a bit different, but they'll give you a full understanding of genuine faith in Christ.


Note: I originally wrote this on my 62nd birthday, explaining how much I appreciated my 1300 subscribers and asking them if they had any suggestions for devotions. You will see responses to this in the comments. My subscribers have increased through the years with over 28,000 in 2020. But I would still like to hear your suggestions in comments. Thanks. Gail

Gail, author of Bible Love Notes, reflects on a life-changing decision she made 45 years ago.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Happy Birthday!

    I would like to learn more about selfishness. I find that I can want more then I need, in so many ways.

    Also, is there anything about the "Empty Nest" in the Bible?

    Again, Happy Birthday!

    1. Great subject, Christine. I actually have a post coming up in August on wanting more possessions that we need, but I will pray about exploring selfishness from some other angles as well.

      As far as I know, there's nothing in Scripture specifically on the "Empty Nest" stage in life. I have written a post on the stages of marriage and talked about the difficulty of the empty nest stage in my own life here:

      But I will pray about other aspects of this stage in our lives and how I might address them.

      Thanks for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate hearing your thoughts.

  2. Happy Birthday! We share some of the same dates, age and etc! That of course is just a little part of why I enjoy your blog and BLN. It seems like your posts always address relevant areas I am struggling with and I often "save" them on my reader so that I can go back and visit them...pondering! You are very gifted at condensing down principles and applying them in ways that speak easily to our daily lives. I am so thankful for your Bible Love Notes and the way they encourage me. May our Lord continue to bless you as you serve Him...Celebrate!

    1. Thank you so much, Jackie, for your kind compliments. That's an encouragement to me. My devotions are almost always about things I need to hear ... I write them to remind myself of Biblical principles in the areas of my struggles. So I'm glad that others are blessed by them as well.

  3. Happy, happy birthday, Gail! You are an amazing woman! Your love for Christ is awesome!

  4. Happy Happy Birthday! Thank you so much for your daily inspiration! You keep things real. What a gift you have!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Ms. Hall. I'm encouraged by them.

  5. Happy birthday Gail, all the way from Africa! I enjoy reading the bible love notes daily. Be blessed!

    1. How fun to hear of you reading all the way from Africa. The internet really makes our world small. Bless you.


  6. Happy birthday!!! I just recently stumbled upon your site - I think from a link on another site. I love the simplicity and authenticity of your devotions. I often share them with my 13 year old daughter. 2 topics I am intrigued with are addiction ( I am currently reading Richard Rhor's Breathing under water. He states that we are all addicted to something...) and accountability.

    Best to you!!! Julie

    1. I'm so glad you stumbled on my site and I'm glad it has spoken to you and your daughter. It's an encouragement for me to hear this. And I will definitely pray about the subjects of addition and accountability. I may need to pick up the book you mention.
      Bless you.

  7. Happy Birthday! Thanks for your love and your passion for Christ!
    Your topics are always inspiring! May God bless you!

    1. Thanks so much for your encouragement. I really appreciate it.

  8. Happy Birthday Gail. Thanks for all your help and support over the years. Love you.

    1. Thanks, Martin. I pray you continued success with your latest book.

  9. Happy birthday! God really uses you to talk to me.

  10. Happy Birthday my friend! I enjoy your posts not only because they are relevant and to a truthful point, but also because I know you. You have blessed me in so many more ways than through your writing. Your humility, transparency and desire to learn God's ways is a light so bright that I am drawn to what you say and write. May our heavenly Father continue to bless you in your pursuit of His will and truth so that your example will also continue to shine as a beacon of His love!

    1. Thanks so much, Jan. I am blessed in many ways by your friendship and faith as well.

  11. Happy blessed birthday Gail! May God give you many more years filled to overflowing with His blessings. You truly enrich my life with your dedication to Christ and I thank you.

    Much Love!

  12. Happy Birthday Gail! I start many of my morning with your devotions...thanks!

    1. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. I appreciate the encouragement.

  13. I read your posts everyday and often forward super good ones onto someone I know who might get something out of them. I'm often silent on your blog, but find you very inspiring. Sometimes when I've had some really depressing moments at work this past year, or with others with whom there is tension, your posts have helped me let it go. You present the Word in a very contemporary light. I am a devoted Catholic, and love my faith and the body of Christ. Your blog is letting me see how others see Jesus, too. Thank you and happy birthday!

    1. Thanks so much, Andrea, for sharing this with me. It really encourages me. Bless you! So glad to have you with me on this journey of discovering more of God's love.

  14. Sending you wonderful wishes for a great birthday Gail!
    During the busy day your blog has been a great minute break to encourage me and bring my focus back to what really matters. May God continue to give you many birthdays as you serve Him! Thank you.

  15. Happy Birthday! Your blog is a blessing! I am sorry I don't comment as I once did! I had to learn to limit my blog time! Have a great day!

    1. No problem about commenting, Piper. I know we all have to set limits on our schedule. I appreciate your encouragement today. bless you.
      Gail : )

  16. Happy Birthday!!!

    I would love to hear more on marriage and getting through hard times, also parenting and finances... the hard stuff :) I enjoy reading your notes.

    Thank you!

    1. Thanks so much, Tiffany.

      I actually have a whole series of articles on marriage and a few on parenting, but I don't send them to my subscribers because my subscribers are a mixture of singles and marrieds of all ages.
      But I'd love to have you check them out.

      To see the pictorial archive for marriage, click the "MARRIAGE" image on my topbar.

      To see the pictorial archive for parenting, click the "ARCHIVE BY SUBJECT" mug on the topbar. It will take you to a collection of subjects and one is "PARENTING."
      To go directly to the parenting archive:

      Thanks again for your encouragement.

    2. This is awesome, thank you!

    3. Thanks so much, Tiffany. So glad you stopped by.

  17. Happy Birthday Gail! May His abundant blessings be poured upon you today and always! :)

  18. Dear Gail,
    Happy Birthday to you! May the LORD bless you today as you enjoy making new memories and reviewing memories of the past. We share some similar dates, I'm 64 and married in May 1971. We became "empty-nesters" a year ago and have been challenged to see what the LORD has for us in this new stage of life. I really enjoy the BLN as you share what the LORD has given you in such a unique, condensed way to make one think and consider what the Bible really says. I also enjoy your creative posts about your own home very much. :-)
    Happy Birthday blessings to you!

    1. Yes, Deanna, we have some similar event markers in our lives, don't we? I imagine if we sat down to chat over a cup of coffee we would be saying "Amen!" alot together : )
      Thanks for your kind compliments.

  19. Happy Birthday, Gail! I enjoy your posts each day and appreciate the thought-provoking commentary that I can read in 1 minute. Thank you for sharing your life experiences candidly so that others can benefit. At this time of my life, conflict and broken relationships have become a sad reality in our family. Any posts that would address those topics would be gratefully received. Thanks again, Gail. May the Lord bless you in many wonderful ways in the coming year.

    1. Thanks for your kind words, Annie. I'm sorry about your present situation and I pray you will feel God's comfort and direction as you navigate it. I definitely want to write some more about difficult and broken relationships as we all encounter them in life. thanks for taking the time to encourage me and pass along these ideas.

  20. Happy Birthday!! Have a blessed day! I do read your daily emails and have received many great messages from them. I look forward to them everyday. Thank you so much. You've been a blessing to many people through your messages.

    1. Thanks so much, Jen, for your kind words. They are an encouragement to me. Bless you.

  21. Happy Birthday, Ms. Gail!!! Your daily devotionals have been encouraging to me and have been a help to me. I appreciate you taking the time to create them!
    I really struggle with self-discipline... you may have addressed this area already, but as a newer subscriber I missed it! :)
    Have an absolutely wonderful and fantastic birthday!!!

    1. Thanks for you kind compliments, Beth. I will definitely pray about writing some on self-discipline. It's something I need to be reminded about myself.

      From the Archives I have a couple of posts on this self-control:
      Self-Control in an Out-of-Control World
      All You Can Eat Temptations

      But I will also pray about writing some more.
      Thanks for taking the time to give me your ideas.
      Bless you.

  22. Happy Birthday Gail!! Enjoy your posts so much. We too have a lot in common
    I was 62 in June, married in 1970 mom in 74 then again in 75 :) blessing for sure. Accepted Christ as Lord & Savior in 81 I was a hard case :( so thankful for God's Grace and forgiveness. Oh and we have 5 wonderful grands from 19 to 10 yrs of age. But I have to say our biggest blessing is having both children faithfully serving God our daughter is married to a Pastor and our Son has been Pastoring at the Church we raised him in for the last 7 years. Again Happy Birthday keep up the good work love reading your posts

    1. Oh, my, Pam, we really do have much in common. I had my second child in 1975. And I'm grateful that both of my children love the Lord as well. Our son is also a pastor (minister of music) and our daughter is married to a fine Christian man too.

      Thanks for letting me get to know you a bit...and thanks for joining me on this journey of discovering more about God's Word and His love.
      Bless you.

  23. I absoletley love your Biblical and practical advice. Have a fantastic birthday!

    1. Thanks so much, Jennifer. I am blessed by your encouragement.

  24. Happy Birthday! I always look forward to the wisdom you share. You have been a blessing to me!

  25. Birthday Blessings Gail. I find you to be an absolutely beautiful woman of God & even though you are only about 5 years older than I, you encourage me as I age, that God sees beauty in us as our bodies deteriorate. As He makes our spirits lovely, the bodily state truly does not matter, but I think you are still lovely!!! Love & prayers, in Jesus, Cynthia

    1. Thanks for your kind compliments, Cynthia. I'm still a work in progress with lots of things for God to work on, but I appreciate you joining me on this journey to get to know Christ better.
      Bless you.

  26. Birthday blessings, Girlfriend. I appreciate your short, pithy, to-the-point-and-God-honoring posts.

    I smiled as I read your opening personal stats... almost identical to my own!

    1. Thanks so much, Dawn, for your kind words. I'm glad we've gotten acquainted via the blogosphere and look forward to more sharing in the future.

  27. Well, happy birthday! But realize that many people DO read your blog and don't comment anything. I, for myself, have only commented once. That does not mean the texts aren't good - much to the contrary. Please keep your good work.

    1. Thanks, João.
      I appreciate hearing your point of view since you are one of my international readers. And thank you for your kind compliments.

  28. Opps….missed your Birthday by a day, but sending wishes for a blessed year ahead. I “accidently” stumbled onto your site in the last couple of weeks and enjoy your positive outlook. I am of your generation as well. Now, being on the grandparent side of things, it is a totally different yet enjoyable end of the timeline to be on.

    Now, that we are a bit older and wiser…may we come to greater understanding to what those black and white and (sometimes) red-all-over words mean….in applying the whole counsel of God’s Word to life as we now know it. Knowing that the Rockies may crumble, Gibraltar may tumble – they’re only made of clay…. but so are we! Though we have stumbled in different ways in our walk with the Messiah over the years….it is wonderful to count on His promise never to leave us nor forsake us and that His love is here to stay.

    1. No, you didn't miss it. You're right on time. I just posted tomorrow's post early : )
      I agree that this stage of life has some wonderful benefits. And thanks for so beautifully summing it up!
      Bless you.

  29. Happy Birthday, Gail! What I love most about your blog is how you make your point so succinctly. Thanks for what you do!

  30. Happy Birthday!

    even if a day late: between the difference in time zone and life commitments I only now get a chance to drop by. I'm in UK, get your BLN by email and I rely on that email notification as a reminder to stop, and spend at least that one minute to read something that will jog my thoughts and my attitudes in the right direction, a real lifeline in a season that feels way too much on the fast lane. I love the fact that they are short, sweet and to the point, where the point is being packed with Scripture based wisdom, honesty and experience: thank you for being willing to share so much.

    My own personal journey at the moment is taking me in uncomfortable places about putting myself at the centre of attention rather than leaving that coveted space to its rightful holder, Jesus, often getting in the way of what He is doing in me and others. Any BLN that you'd wish to dedicate to the subject would be very gratefully read!

    Thanks again for you effort and faithfulness, and I am sorry that we are in a way taking them for granted by not encouraging you with our comments and interactions. Does admitting that I'm unlikely to comment more frequently make my apology insincere? I hope not, it's the recognition that I'm in a season of life when mentoring of any kind is much needed yet interacting is a precious commodity.

    Do please be assured that your work is fruitful and much appreciated, even if in our consumer-like apathy we fail to let you know how much you bless us!

    I hope you had a fantastic day! :)

    1. Dear Sylvia, Thanks so much for taking the time to encourage me and let me get to know you a bit. I don't want anyone to feel guilty for not commenting more often, and I really don't expect folks to comment all the time anyway, but I do appreciate you taking the time today. It's been especially fun on my birthday to read notes from people who read my notes regularly. And I love hearing where folks are from and how they include Bible Love Notes in their schedules. So thanks so much!

  31. Happy birthday! I love reading your devotions! Thank you for your ministry!

    1. Thank you, Bree, for taking the time to encourage me. Bless you.

  32. Happiest of Birthday's to you - hope it was great! I am newer here but always look forward to reading.

    1. Thanks so much, Mindy, for the kind compliments and birthday wishes. Bless you!

  33. Happy Birthday! Thank you for your great Bible 1 minute devotions. I enjoy reading them.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to let me know... I appreciate it!

  34. HI Gail,
    Happy birthday! Your BLN have been a blessing to me, as has reconnecting with you after all these years. I love the photos of Mike, Kipp and Nicole as well as your precious grandchildren. I realize as I'm writing this that I don' think I ever went back and rewrote my "history of the Morricals" e-mail as I intended. I will do that in an e-mail or BF message very soon. All your posts are very relevant but I recently especially liked the one on service. (Let him who has ears...). I'm involved in a particular ministry that I dearly enjoy and sometimes I feel that it's just too much fun to be called "service"! I want to be serving for the right reasons and where God wants me so I just try to be sensitive to that. I know God made me to be creative and to love creating things so I just want to do it for His glory--not mine! Keep up the great work, Gail. May you be blessed beyond measure this year! Love, Jane

    1. Thanks so much, Jane, for your sweet encouragement.

      I'm also so glad that we reconnected. You had to deal with some of my legalistic Christianity years ago, and I'm glad we've had a chance to reconnect at a better point in my walk with the Lord.

      I also appreciate hearing about your joy in ministry. I do think that's what God intends for us.
      I look forward to your history of Morricals email : )

  35. Dear Gail - happy birthday!!! So many times I've thought I need to let you know what a blessing your devotionals are. So many speak so deeply to me and I've not let you know. I really appreciate your love notes - they're the first thing I look for when I check my email. You will be hearing from me now and again in encouragement. Thank you for being open and speaking His truth - it is such an encouragement and blessing. : )

    1. Thanks so much, Deborah. I appreciate knowing that Bible Love Notes encourages you. Bless you,

  36. Good Morning Gail, Firstly, it is lovely to meet you and secondly, thank you so much for paying me a visit and leaving such a lovely comment.
    Happy Belated Birthday to you. We do have a few things in common, you were born in 1951 and I was born in 1952, you were married in 1970 as was I, and I became a mother in 1973 as well.
    Your blog is very interesting and gives me food for thought. I am now going to read some of your Bible Love Notes.
    Enjoy your day.
    Best Wishes to you,

  37. I feel so bad I didn't know (or forgot since last year!!) I really missed on this one. I won't forget because your birthday is the same as my mother's (who I just happened to post about right after you on the Growing Home.)



    You are so special!!
    Your posts are always quality and succinct, cutting right to the heart.
    The pictures you share from time to time always have your special smile.

    Have a wonderful day!! Be blessed!!

    1. Thanks so much for your birthday greeting and for your friendship, Judith. And thank-you for your kind compliments.

  38. Happy Birthday, and may the Lord richly bless you in the coming year!

    I just found your site via The Modest Mom.

    Thanks to being stabbed in the back by leadership at our former church, I've become a "questioning" and "disillusioned" Christian too. The wounds go deep, but slowly they heal.

    I look forward to coming back to read more.

    1. So glad that you visited and glad to have you join me on this journey to know Christ better. So sorry about your situation. Yes, God is able to bring us through so many trials in life. I pray your healing continues in this situation. I know God uses bad for good.

  39. Dear Gail
    Happy Birtday to you, dear, beautiful fried and sister in Jesus. May all the best of your previous year be the worst of your new year, by the way, you look su much prettier now than when you were younger.
    Much love and sweeeee.....t blessings XX

    1. Thank you so much, Mia, for your kind compliments. And what a sweet prayer.
      Bless you.

  40. Happy Birthday! Thanks for sharing at Missional Woman!
